Model Training Need Analysis (TNA) Petugas Lapangan Keluarga Berencana (PLKB) Di BKKBN Provinsi Bengkulu Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi


  • Febriani Febriani
  • Yusuarsono Yusuarsono


Competence; Family Planning Field Officer; Model; Training Need Analysis (TNA).


Competence is always demanding for a better change therefore a government organization always gives support to every employee to face changes that occur such as internal changes and external changes, by improving the competence of each employee by providing training because the training is one means of change to improve competence.Of 302 the number of PLKB in Bengkulu province that follow the competency test only 10 people who meet the competency standards based on the level of position. This means that there are gaps in the competence of individual employees on the task component is not in accordance with what is expected by BKKBN. This study aims to develop TNA model to overcome the standard competence gap with actual competence by using descriptive qualitative method, data collection technique through observation, interview and documentation.Data analysis using descriptive method. This TNA Reactive model uses the paradigm of a system where TNA is a simple process of analysis used to identify training needs or not, so in this study using some steps in a simtem in order to arrange a TNA model that is started from trigger event (Trigger) newly obtained solved into input, process and output.


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How to Cite

Febriani, F., & Yusuarsono, Y. (2018). Model Training Need Analysis (TNA) Petugas Lapangan Keluarga Berencana (PLKB) Di BKKBN Provinsi Bengkulu Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Sosial Dan Teknologi (SNISTEK), 1, 61–66. Retrieved from


