
  • International Journal of Computer Science

    IJTERS Journal is a scientific journal of the students of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer, Putera Batam University, which consists of three groups of Sciences namely information systems and informatics engineering.  The journal will be published six months in one year. This journal contains the scientific work of student research with the specific subjects: Networking, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Expert Systems, Computer Systems, Soft Computing, Web Programming, Mobile Programming, Games Programming, Data Mining, Decision, support systems.

  • Jurnal Pengabdian Barelang

    Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan nama Jurnal Pengabdian Barelang yang dikelola oleh LPPM Universitas Putera Batam.


    Published by the Department of Accounting, University of Putera Batam.This journal contains accounting studies which include Financial Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Management Accounting, Economic, Islamic Financial Accounting and Management, Auditing, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Professionalism, Corporate Finance, Accounting Education, Taxation, Capital Markets, Banking, and other contemporary accounting issues.  

    ISSN online2580-5118 ISSN Print2548-1827

  • JIM UPB (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Universitas Putera Batam)

    JIM UPB  Is a journal publisher to develop and publish various research, especially Management Sciences (Marketing, Production, Finance and Human Resources), and other relevant fields of science. This journal is published twice a year (6 months). Articles that could be published are the research report, essays, literature studies, and reviews that are in accordance with the purpose and mission of JIM UPB. Each article would be reviewed by experts in accordance with their fields study. e-ISSN : 2549-9491 p-ISSN: 2337-3350

  • Dialektika Publik

    Jurnal Dialektika Publik adalah media untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah dibidang ilmu administrasi negara/publik baik berupa hasil research dan pengabdian pada masyarakat  yang bertujuan memperkaya khasanah keilmuan dibidang penyelenggaraan pemerintahan baik dari pusat sampai daerah. Semua tulisan yang ada di dalam jurnal ini merupakan hasil dari kajian ilmu administrasi Negara/Publik yang meliputi Kebijakan Publik, Manajemen Pelayanan Publik, Desentralisasi dan Otonomi Daerah, Reformasi Birokrasi, e-Government, e-Governance, Keuangan Negara dan Daerah, Manajemen BUMN/BUMD, Hukum Administasi Negara dan Kajian Sosial Kemasyarakatan serta kajian lain yang erat kaitannya dengan Ilmu Administrasi Negara/Publik. 

    Call For Paper JULI 2024
    Jurnal Dialektika Publik akan menerbitkan vol 8 no 1 (2024).

    Last Date of Paper Submission : JULI, 2024

     (P) 2528-3332; (E) 2621-2218

     Journal Template 




  • Commed Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media

    Commed : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media (P- ISSN ; 2527-8673 E- ISSN ; 2615-6725) is a periodical scientific journal published twice a year by the Communication Studies Program at Putera Batam University. This journal is a means of publication of scientific papers for academics and practitioners who publish articles from the results of research both field research (research reports) and library research (literature review), conceptual study articles, the review of scientific books related to the problems and actual issues of communication science . The scope of this journal is mass communication / communication of social change and innovation / tourism communication / popular culture and new media, corporate communication and advertising.

    Each manuscript that goes into the editorials of the journal will go through a review process with a double-blind review system, which means the writer does not know the reviewer who rated it and the reviewer does not know the author of the manuscript he rated. Journal authors who wish to submit manuscripts to this journal, Please Register and use the Template Jurnal.

    Call For Paper February 2019
    Jurnal Commed akan menerbitkan vol 4 no 1 (2019). 
    Submission Open For Agust 2019 Issue. Last Date of Paper Submission : August 20 2019


  • Jurnal Cahaya Keadilan




    Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri merupakan sarana publikasi bagi para akademisi dan praktisi yang membidangi keilmuan bidang Teknik Industri, Mesin dan Manufaktur. Jurnal ini tidak menutup peluang bagi praktisi maupun akademisi yang membidangi bidang lain khususnya dibidang teknik (engineering) untuk dapat berpartisipasi mempublikasikan hasil karyanya demi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri (JRSI) terbit sebanyak dua kali dalam satu tahun (Mei dan November) dan telah terdaftar di Lembaga Ilmu Pengatahuan Indonesia melalui ISSN:  2621-1262 (versi online) 2477-2089 (cetak/print).

  • Computer Based Information System Journal

    Call For Paper September 2024
    CBIS Journal akan menerbitkan vol 12 no 2 (2024).
    Submission Open For September 2024 Issue. Last Date of Paper Submission: August, 20, 2024

    For journal readers and writers who wish to submit manuscripts to this journal, please Submit 

    and following the links to 

    template jurnal 


    Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika (JIF) is a computer and information technology research journal published on the results of research in the field of computer technology, both broadly and specifically in certain fields related to computer information technology. The article to be published is original work and has never been distributed. The incoming articles will be reviewed by a team of reviewers who come from internal and external S1 Informatics Engineering study programs at Putera Batam University. JIF is published periodically every 6 months, namely in March and September.

  • BASIS (Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris)

    BASIS: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

    Basis: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (e-ISSN : 2527- 8835, p-ISSN : 2406 – 9809) in our webstite link http://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/basis) is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the English Literature Department, Putera Batam University, Kepulauan Riau- Indonesia. The journal publishes research papers in the field of linguistics, literature, and language teaching, such as the Feminist approach in the literature, Sociological approach, Postcolonialism, Structuralism, and Post-structuralism, Popular literature, fundamental of ELT, the sound of word of language, structure, meaning, language and gender, sociolinguistic, language philosophy, historical of linguistic, origin/evolution, experimental linguistics, phonology, syntax, endangered minority language, language and nature, communicative strategy of teaching, linguistic anthropology, psychology of language, field methods in linguistic, interactive of language teaching.  This journal is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available access without any charge. Everyone is allowed to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

  • Charta Humanika

    A Journal story talking about social and humanities