Computer Based Information System Journal <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Call For Paper September 2024</span></strong><br />CBIS Journal akan menerbitkan vol 12 no 2 (2024). <br />Submission Open For September 2024 Issue. Last Date of Paper Submission: August, 20, 2024</p> <p>For journal readers and writers who wish to submit manuscripts to this journal, please <a href="">Submit</a> </p> <div class="tlid-results-container results-container"> <div class="tlid-result result-dict-wrapper"> <div class="result tlid-copy-target"> <div class="text-wrap tlid-copy-target"> <div class="result-shield-container tlid-copy-target" tabindex="0"><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="en"><span class="alt-edited" tabindex="-1" title="">and following the links to</span> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p><strong><a href="">template jurnal </a></strong></p> Universitas Putera Batam en-US Computer Based Information System Journal 2337-8794 PERANCANGAN GAME FPP MOUNTAIN CLIMBING LIFE SIMULATION MENGGUNAKAN METODE GDLC <p><em>This research aims to design a life simulation game with the theme "FPP Mountain Climbing Life Simulation" as an entertainment tool and a means of learning about rock climbing activities. Through the Research &amp; Development process, the author conducted in-depth research to identify the needs and requirements in designing this game. The research results indicate that this game can be an entertainment tool that combines the realism of rock climbing with life simulation game elements, allowing players to experience rock climbing virtually. Additionally, a qualitative expert-interview method was used to gain deeper insights into rock climbing by interviewing experts and experienced individuals in the activity. The Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) method was used in the Development phase to design and develop the game. "FPP Mountain Climbing Life Simulation" has the potential to be an effective learning tool for teaching techniques, preparations, and necessary steps in rock climbing, as well as the importance of safety. Recommendations include further development of the game, providing more detailed guides, promoting the game to the climbing community, and conducting further research to measure the game's effectiveness as a learning tool.</em></p> Micheal Micheal Fredian Simanjuntak Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 1 11 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8167 PENERAPAN DATA MINING UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI PRESTASI SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C4.5 <p>In general, education in Indonesia is one of the most important aspects in the development of society and the state. As educators in elementary schools, they will carry out their duties well if they understand the concept of education in elementary schools. By understanding the factors that influence student achievement, it can improve the quality of education and provide a better understanding of the factors that influence student achievement. These factors include report card grades, attendance, family support, interest in learning, and motivation to learn. These factors ensure that students achieve their goals and provide a better opportunity to improve their academic performance in primary school. For Dhamma Sasana Elementary School In predicting student achievement, there are many obstacles or problems that must be faced by schools in predicting student achievement, many comparisons of variables and factors to be tested and decision making on the achievement of elementary school students. This research applies the C4.5 algorithm method used to predict student achievement at Dhamma Sasana Elementary School. The C4.5 algorithm is one of the data analysis tools that is able to identify the variables that have the most influence on student achievement. Conclusions include manual calculations, a decision tree, and testing conducted with data mining techniques and classification results that were 99.0% correct, including the C4.5 algorithm and testing conducted with the WEKA software application version 3.9.6.</p> Telutci Telutci Rika Harman Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 12 23 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8207 ANALISIS DAMPAK GADGET TERHADAP ASPEK PERKEMBANGAN KOGNITIF ANAK USIA DINI <p>The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is considered a new hope in promoting human development. Advanced technology with automation is presented to facilitate activities and work in the daily lives of humans. One common technology found in this era is gadgets. The use of gadget technology in early childhood has become a controversial topic in recent decades, sparking debates about the impact of new technology on young children. This raises the question of whether the use of technology and the internet affects the cognitive development of young children. This research aims to analyze the impact of information technology, especially gadgets, on the level of cognitive development achievement in early childhood. The study employs a qualitative descriptive method with an interactive analysis model. The results of this research explain that the impact of information technology gadgets is both positive and negative, emphasizing the role of parents in guiding young children in the use of gadgets.</p> Indar Jaya Amrizal Amrizal Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 24 30 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8235 INDEX KEPUASAN PELANGGAN EDUKITS BATAM CENTRE DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C45 <p>The term customer satisfaction refers to a situation when customers realize their needs and desires are met or are not met as expected.. Customers are generally satisfied with their experiences. Customer satisfaction determines whether they continue to use the service, while customer dissatisfaction leads to them stopping using it. The result will be the loss of customers for business actors. Developing strategies to improve the satisfaction of customers is one of the most important tasks for business actors. Essentially, C4.5 is a decision tree algorithm that functions in the form of a structured data collection program coded in such a way that it can be used to collect data that has changed and to turn it into a decision tree that consists of a decision rule so that the results of the data can be used to help make a decision. Based on the findings of the research, it appears the factors that are influencing Edukits Batam Center customer satisfaction the most are price, the accessibility of the location, and the quality of the products.</p> Kevin Ellvan Reisyer Ellvan Reisyer Rika Harman Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 31 38 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8241 PERANCANGAN UI/UX DELIVERY MOBILE APP DENGAN METODE DESIGN THINKING DAN USABILITY SCALE <p>Delivery services are one of the sectors in the business world that is influential in business development, along with the increasing behaviour of people in online shopping. With significant growth in the courier and delivery service sector, many individuals or the courier and delivery service industry are trying to adopt technology that can support the ease of the delivery process with effective management for use. In general, the issue encountered when designing an application is that it does not match the needs of users, resulting in the program failing to achieve its goal. One method that is considered capable of solving these problems is the design thinking method. This research discusses the UI/UX Design of Delivery Mobile App implementing the design thinking approach with the aim of providing smooth delivery of goods. The use of the Delivery Mobile App is aimed at senders to improve their smoothness and convenience in the process of sending goods and the interface that suits the needs of the sender. Prototype testing using the System Usability Scale (SUS) yielded a score of 82 and an adjective rating of 'B' or 'Excellent'.</p> Trie Meutia Saddyah Saut Pintubipar Saragih Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 39 51 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8242 RANCANG BANGUN GAME SUDOKU ANDROID BERBASIS FLUTTER <p>The advancement of technology, particularly the use of gadgets, has become an integral part of daily life, especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The use of gadgets in Indonesia has surged significantly, reaching 50.92% in 2018. However, excessive online gaming addiction, which negatively impacts the development of both children and adults, is a downside of excessive gadget use. Therefore, there is a need for alternative entertainment options that also have educational value, such as the puzzle game Sudoku.</p> <p>This study aims to design and develop a Flutter-based Sudoku game application with an intuitive user interface, customizable gameplay, and educational features. The software development method employed is the Waterfall model, with stages including planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and evaluation. The Sudoku application is expected to provide entertainment, enhance logical and concentration skills, and serve as a reference for other application developers seeking to integrate Flutter in game development.</p> Alvin Angeli Tukino Tukino Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 52 62 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8249 SISTEM INFORMASI INVENTORY BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE OOAD PADA PT BGA <p><em>Rapid developments in the field of communications have sparked public interest in switching to information and communication technology. The use of information technology by companies plays an important role in simplifying and speeding up their business management. PT Bestbuild Globalindo Aluminum is a company engaged in manufacturing aluminum frames, doors and windows. As the company develops and the number of inventory items increases, problems arise that require attention, namely the difficulty in obtaining fast, precise and accurate information regarding existing inventory items. From these problems, it is necessary to design and build a more structured and efficient goods inventory information system. The aim of this research is to design and build an inventory information system that is expected to increase the efficiency of inventory management, and provide more accurate and reliable information. The research method used by researchers is OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis Design) with modeling using UML. This inventory information system was designed and built using the PHP programming language and data storage via a MySQL database. The inventory information system that has been built can provide up-to-date reports to company leaders regarding inventory items at PT Bestbuild Globalindo Aluminum. </em></p> Deddy Deddy Sasa Ani Arnomo Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 63 72 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8293 PENERAPAN ALGORITMA C4.5 UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI PENJUALAN BARANG PADA PT PRIMA NIAGA INDOMAS <p><em>Facing the dynamics of a competitive and rapidly changing business environment, PT Prima Niaga Indomas, a snack food distribution company, encounters challenges in optimizing its product sales. Accurate sales forecasting is crucial to maintaining inventory efficiency, avoiding overstock, and meeting customer demand. This research aims to implement the C4.5 algorithm to predict the sales of snack food products at PT Prima Niaga Indomas. The location of PT Prima Niaga Indomas is at Puri Industrial Park 2000 Block D No. 5, Batam Centre, Batam City, Riau Islands. By leveraging historical sales data, product information, marketing factors, and external variables, this study seeks to develop a predictive model to assist the company in forecasting snack food product sales more accurately. The data generated from this research is expected to make a significant contribution to improving the operational efficiency of PT Prima Niaga Indomas. Data analysis is conducted by applying the C4.5 algorithm using WEKA software version 3.8.5, with manual calculations for comparison using Microsoft Excel. The research findings indicate the accuracy of data in the rules of delivery, durability, price, size, and quality. The researchers utilized two decision variables, namely, whether a product is sold or not. This study provides valuable insights into optimal inventory management, identification of sales trends, and faster responsiveness to market changes. The implication is that PT Prima Niaga Indomas can leverage this predictive model to enhance operational efficiency and productivity.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Algorithm C4.5, Data Mining, Sales Prediction</em></p> Alyshen Alyshen Rika Harman Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 73 83 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8328 RANCANG BANGUN PENYALURAN JASA ASISTEN RUMAH TANGGA BERBASIS WEB PADA PT MANGGA RAYA MAKMUR <p><em>Household assistants are a highly sought-after profession in Indonesian society, especially in major cities. However, the process of providing household assistant services still relies on paper documents and excel, which are less efficient and effective. This research aims to design and implement a web-based information system for the distribution of household assistant services at PT. MANGGA RAYA MAKMUR. This information system can help the company manage its business processes online through a website, offering easier, faster, secure, and reliable household assistant service distribution to clients. The research methodology employed in this study is the prototype method, which includes encompassing stages such as building a prototype, prototype evaluation, system coding, system testing, and system evaluation. The information system is designed using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and built using ReactJS with MySQL as the database. The results of this research indicate that the web-based household assistant service distribution information system can enhance the performance and satisfaction of both the company </em></p> Josh Lee Saut Pintubipar Saragih Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 84 99 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8341 ANALISIS POTENSI PENINGKATAN PENJUALAN TOKO MITRA LAZADA AZGALERY DENGAN ALGORITMA C4.5 <p><em>The potential for sales in online marketplaces is increasing over time due to the development and distribution of telecommunications signals and equipment. This event is an opportunity that can be exploited by partner shops selling on the marketplace, one of which is Azgalery Lazada partners. Azgalery has been around for 4 years with a total of almost 700 products in various categories ranging from women's fashion, men's fashion, home decoration to other household equipment. This research aims to help partner shops get a decision tree that can be used for making crucial decisions such as preparing the latest products and price research. Apart from that, this also increases the customer trust in the azgalery store itself so that they are more trustworthy in the eyes of customers. The method used is an implementation using data mining, especially classification using the C4.5 algorithm. This method is used to analyze sales potential with the help of existing data to support research to produce valid results.</em></p> Rico Fransisco Fransisco Erlin Elisa Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 100 111 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8350 PENERAPAN METODE MACHINE LEARNING DALAM MENGIDENTIFIKASI BERITA HOAKS <p>In the era of increasingly developing digital information, hoax or fake news is a serious challenge that can influence people's perceptions and decisions. This research aims to develop a hoax news detection method using a machine learning approach on news data. The focus of this research is to identify related hoax news. This research involves collecting news data from leading online news sources and applying machine learning algorithms, including Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Gradient Boosting, and Random Forest, to classify hoax news. Model performance is measured using accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score metrics, with test results compared with human evaluations that have been trained to recognize hoax news. The results of this research show that the machine learning approach can be successfully used to identify hoax news with a high level of accuracy. However, this study also identified limitations in this approach, such as limited training data and language complexity. Nevertheless, this research makes an important contribution in efforts to overcome the problem of hoax news and provides a basis for further development in hoax news detection using machine learning technology.</p> Vijay Andika Saputra Sasa Ani Arnomo Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 112 121 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8442 ANALISIS SENTIMEN OBJEK WISATA DI GOOGLE MAPS MENGGUNAKAN METODE DECISION TREE <p><em>Tourism is a popular choice for travelers exploring a city. Typically, people rely on Google Reviews to assess the quality of tourist spots by checking ratings and reading reviews. However, discrepancies between reviews and ratings can occur. In this case study, we focus on Taman Wisata Taman Laut Batam in Batam city. Using the Decision tree method, we conducted sentiment analysis. The results revealed more positive sentiments (200) than negative sentiments (141). The F1-score accuracy was 79.59%, with a margin of error of ±8.78%. Precision for positive predictions was 71.00%, while negative predictions had 77.49% precision. Recall values were 75.53% for positive predictions and 62.09% for negative predictions. Overall, positive sentiment predictions achieved an F1-score of 87.07%, while negative predictions scored 74.73%.</em></p> Tukino Tukino Arif Rahman Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 12 1 122 130 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8456 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LAUNCHPAD CRYPTOCURRENCY INFORMATION SYSTEM AT PT. PINTAR MEDIA TEKNOLOGI <p>Blockchain technology has become a major focus in the development of decentralized web applications, opening a new era in the evolution of the internet known as Web3. In the midst of this development, startup company PT. Pintar Media Teknologi introduced a cryptocurrency launchpad application that relies on blockchain technology to provide decentralized solutions in crypto asset trading. The author has the opportunity to conduct research at PT. Pintar Media Teknologi to build a cryptocurrency launchpad application. The blockchain application development methodology applied is the Agile Scrum methodology. Through analyzing the features developed, such as Entity Relationship Diagram design, database design, to the implementation of key features such as authentication using Web3, token management, and launchpad management. The results of this study provide insight into the practice of developing blockchain applications and the author's contribution to this research is to design and implement a cryptocurrency launchpad information system according to the needs of stakeholders so as to accelerate the product development process.</p> Suwarno Suwarno Elvin Valentino Copyright (c) 2024 Computer Based Information System Journal 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 12 1 131 138 10.33884/cbis.v12i1.8791