Dialektika Publik https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik <p>Jurnal <strong>Dialektika Publik</strong> adalah media untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah dibidang ilmu administrasi negara/publik baik berupa hasil research dan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang bertujuan memperkaya khasanah keilmuan dibidang penyelenggaraan pemerintahan baik dari pusat sampai daerah. Semua tulisan yang ada di dalam jurnal ini merupakan hasil dari kajian ilmu administrasi Negara/Publik yang meliputi Kebijakan Publik, Manajemen Pelayanan Publik, Desentralisasi dan Otonomi Daerah, Reformasi Birokrasi, <em>e</em><em>-Government</em>, <em>e-Governance</em>, Keuangan Negara dan Daerah, Manajemen BUMN/BUMD, Hukum Administasi Negara dan Kajian Sosial Kemasyarakatan serta kajian lain yang erat kaitannya dengan Ilmu Administrasi Negara/Publik. </p> <p><strong>Call For Paper JULI 2024</strong><br />Jurnal <strong>Dialektika Publik</strong> akan menerbitkan vol 8 no 1 (2024).</p> <p>Last Date of Paper Submission :<strong> JULI, 2024</strong></p> <p> (P) <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1466476398&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2528-3332;</a> (E) <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1520997896&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2621-2218</a></p> <p> <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1G5KvR4tBXnQX1u27RrgWe2n2tfG9lZVv">Journal Template </a></p> <p>https://drive.google.com/file/d/11RY3iiJuiv-IbXci3xuraz-01LDDb1q0/view?usp=sharing</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> en-US etika@puterabatam.ac.id (Etika Khairina, S.Sos., M.I.P) timbul.dompak@puterabatam.ac.id (Timbul Dompak, S.E., M.Si.) Sat, 02 Dec 2023 09:45:14 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Dinamika Islam Indonesia: Islam dan Politik di Indonesia https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/8145 <p>Islam as the majority religion of Indonesian society has experienced development from time to time. In 2024 a General Election will be held to determine the President of Indonesia for the next five years. The aim of this article is to review the dynamics and development of Islamic politics in Indonesia. The research method is descriptive qualitative with secondary data sources, namely relevant research from journals and books as well as data documentation that strengthens this article. The data analysis technique uses triangulation techniques. The results of the article show that the opposition party uses this motive to fight party control. On the other hand, the incumbent party collaborates with Ulama from the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. Media wars, arguments, and even insults are very easily thrown out by two parties competing to win the election, ironically the use of the words "party of Satan and party of God" was thrown out by a well-respected figure. Indonesia is not a religious country. Meanwhile, the relationship between religion and the state in Indonesia can be seen from religious institutions, laws and regulations related to religion or religious life, and other policies related to religious life.</p> Surpani Surpani Copyright (c) 2023 Dialektika Publik : Jurnal Administrasi Negara Universitas Putera Batam https://creativecommons.org/choose/results-one?license_code=by-sa&amp;jurisdiction=&amp;version=4.0&amp;lang=id https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/8145 Sat, 02 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Keberlangsungan Kolaborasi Pemerintahan Kota Surabaya dengan Liverpool Dalam Pengembangan SDM Melaui Pendidikan Inklusi Sebagai Manifestasi Dari Program SCI 2022 https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/8161 <p><em>As perspectives in post-Cold War international relations changed, non-state players started to appear. From that point on, monitoring politics and security causes the state to start acting. However, during the present outbreak, politics and security were not major concerns, which had an impact on the state as an actor and reduced its importance as a major player in international affairs. Other actors, including people, international organizations, and multinational corporations, are now able to start having an impact on the country because of new challenges including the economy, human rights, ecology, and terrorism. Due to growing concerns about international relations, sub-state entities, such as states, cities, and provinces, are increasingly able to take part in international operations. In order to support education for inclusive schools in Surabaya in 2022, the Surabaya MoU collaboration process with St. Vincent School Liverpool will be examined for sustainability in this study. The research's conclusions show how the two cities' agreement to assist in the enhancement of quality education for their residents is still being implemented. This study intends to give a general picture of the ongoing partnership between Liverpool and the Surabaya city administration in 2022 regarding inclusive education for people with disabilities and assess the challenges that arise during the engagement.</em></p> Yulia Rimapradesi, Mohammad Latief Copyright (c) 2023 Dialektika Publik : Jurnal Administrasi Negara Universitas Putera Batam https://creativecommons.org/choose/results-one?license_code=by-sa&amp;jurisdiction=&amp;version=4.0&amp;lang=id https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/8161 Sat, 02 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Review Terhadap Kebijakan Pertahanan Wilayah Udara Indonesia https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/8152 <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the sovereignty of the state over airspace with its complete and exclusive nature experiencing significant dynamics both in concept and implementation in international air law. This research method uses a qualitative research method in using literature studies, data collection, by searching for sources from various books, journals and existing research. The results of the study indicate that the reasons for the safety of the airspace of a sovereign country can be delegated to another country to manage navigation services, for example, Indonesia's airspace in Natuna and Batam, is maintained by Singapore for the sake of flight safety. The takeover of FIR management in Batam and Natuna is carried out through several stages. First, forming Civil Military Aviation Coordination (CMAC) which is stated in the Government Regulation (Permenhub Number 55 of 2016) concerning National Airspace. Second, evaluating the implementation of flight navigation by reformulating the LPPNPI institution, Third, taking over the concept in stages.</p> Sarah Maria Copyright (c) 2023 Dialektika Publik : Jurnal Administrasi Negara Universitas Putera Batam https://creativecommons.org/choose/results-one?license_code=by-sa&amp;jurisdiction=&amp;version=4.0&amp;lang=id https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/8152 Sat, 02 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Program E-Filing Di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Batam Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas E-Government https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/8151 <p>The Directorate General of Taxes carried out an initiative to improve e-Government standards, and KPP Pratama Batam implemented SPT reporting via electronic filing. The implementation of the e-filing program is felt to be less effective, as can be seen from the number of taxpayers who prefer to come directly to the tax office rather than contacting them via email or WhatsApp. This shows that the guiding principles of e-Government have not been implemented properly. The aim of this research is to look at the implementation of the E-Filing Program at the Batam Pratama Tax Service Office as part of efforts to improve the quality of e-Government and identify the driving and inhibiting factors. This research uses a qualitative methodology with a descriptive strategy. Based on the research findings, KPP Pratama Batam has successfully implemented the E-Filing program in an effort to improve the quality of e-Government. However, problems such as cash shortages, poor communication, and lack of attitude (or disposition) persist. It is hoped that the challenges of implementing the e-filing program can be resolved soon so that it can run smoothly and efficiently.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: E-Filing, E-Government, Implementation Policy</em></p> Suryani Barimbing Copyright (c) 2023 Dialektika Publik : Jurnal Administrasi Negara Universitas Putera Batam https://creativecommons.org/choose/results-one?license_code=by-sa&amp;jurisdiction=&amp;version=4.0&amp;lang=id https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/8151 Sat, 02 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Pada Mall Pelayanan Publik Kota Batam https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/7232 <p>The reason for making this research is to find out how the performance of employees from public service malls in Batam City in the current era of Regional Autonomy. The mission of the Public Service Mall is to provide convenience, speed, affordability, security and convenience for the community to improve services. In expansion, to strive for the Indonesian state and improve world competitiveness. This research can be a descriptive qualitative research with clear information from observations and social media or the Public Service Mall website. The results of the study indicate that the quality of administration from aspects, among others: system, requirements, specifications of the type of service, and time to prove quite satisfied with the services provided by the Batam City Public Service Mall.</p> Indri Amggi Simatupang Copyright (c) 2023 Dialektika Publik : Jurnal Administrasi Negara Universitas Putera Batam https://creativecommons.org/choose/results-one?license_code=by-sa&amp;jurisdiction=&amp;version=4.0&amp;lang=id https://ejournal.upbatam.ac.id/index.php/dialektikapublik/article/view/7232 Sat, 02 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000