Prosiding Prosiding SNISTEK, SNISTEK, Teknologi, Ilmu Sosial LPPM Universitas Putera Batam en-US Prosiding 3025-9770 Penelitian-Penelitian Dari Ranah Teknik Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia melalui Inovasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat <p>It is hoped that increasing economic growth can be directed at increasing public income and meeting daily needs. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of service quality variables (X1), price (X2), and promotion (X3) on purchasing decisions at PT Asia Paramita Indah Batam (Y). In this research, the sampling process was carried out using a non-probability sampling method, namely a sampling technique that does not provide an equal opportunity to be selected into the sample. For sampling, the author used a saturated sampling method. Based on the sampling technique above, using a saturated sampling method from a total population of 135 people, 135 people were taken as a sample. Data was collected using a questionnaire which was measured using a Likert scale. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS version 20.0 program. The results of this research show that the variables service quality (X1), price (X2), and promotion (X3) simultaneously influence purchasing decisions at PT Asia Paramita Indah Batam. The variables service quality (X1), price (X2), and promotion (X3) partially influence purchasing decisions at PT Asia Paramita Indah Batam.</p> Rahadian Zainul Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 1 7 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8055 Prediksi Kepribadian Mahasiswa Menggunakan Naïve Bayes <p><em>College students are in a transitional phase from youth to adulthood. The transition period makes students still unstable to control their emotions. It makes his curiosity towards new things increase which then shows his personality traits. The purpose of this study was to find out how researchers collect data about personality from students, to find out how to classify personality from the data that has been collected. Research methods start from collecting data using Text Preprocessing questionnaires, Data Training, Classification, Testing, to making predictions. After applying the classification algorithm with the Naïve Bayes algorithm, the Train Score is 0.947 and the Test Score is 0.879. Trials have also been carried out to make predictions with new data whose results are correct.</em></p> Muhammat Rasid Ridho Sasa Ani Arnomo Fifi Fifi Khisal Khisal Vina Fariska Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 8 14 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8056 Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Korban Bencana Lumpur Lapindo Pada Kawasan Permukiman Di Desa Panggreh <p><em>May 29 2006 is the day when the Lapindo Mud disaster occurred in Sidoarjo Regency. This natural disaster is a disaster where the ground releases gas along with hot mud with a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. The Lapindo Mud disaster has inundated several villages located in several sub-districts in Sidoarjo Regency, where until now the condition of hot mudflow around the center of the eruption is still increasing. The village of Panggreh, situated in the Jabon District, Sidoarjo Regency, serves as a resettlement area for the victims of the Lapindo Mudflow. The region has a settlement where a portion of the Lapindo mudflow disaster victims have been relocated. The objective of this study is to comprehend the socio-economic situation of the Lapindo Mud Disaster victims in Panggreh Village. This research applies primary and secondary data collection methods along with descriptive qualitative research methodology that uses photo mapping techniques. The study's findings reveal that the educational facilities in Panggreh Lengap village are in excellent condition, the buildings were still sturdy and very decent, the educational services were very good. Health facilities and services are also good. The economy of the middle to lower class community. The majority of people feel the negative impact of moving their residence because of the Lapindo.</em></p> Oktafiana Wahyu P Moch Shofwan Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 15 20 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8057 Perubahan Bentuk Penggunaan Lahan Di Desa Panggreh Akibat Relokasi Korban Bencana Lumpur Lapindo <p>The Lapindo mud disaster forced local residents to flee to a safe place, one of which was Panggreh Village, which has an area of ​​171.78 hectares or 3%. As a result, the population in Panggreh Village has automatically increased. Several cases show that if there is a change or regional development in a location, then in a short time the land around it will also change progressively. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in the form of land use in Panggreh Village due to the relocation of victims of the Lapindo Mud Disaster. Collecting data in this study using documentation, observation and using Google Earth imagery. The analytical method used is quantitative descriptive analysis with a before-after analysis technique. The results showed that there was a significant increase and decrease in land use that occurred in Panggreh Village in 2005 and 2022. The residential land area in 2005 was 48.95 Ha and in 2022 it increased to 69.99 Ha or 59%, The area of ​​paddy fields in 2005 was 109.32 Ha and in 2022 it decreased to 94.69 Ha or 46%, The area of ​​dry land or fields in 2005 was 13.51 Ha and in 2022 it decreased to 7.10 Ha or 34 %. Government policies related to land use and population are expected to be realized in the community so that there are no policy deviations that originate from uncontrolled population growth and land use that is not in accordance with the policy.</p> Hilmi Zain Muafi Moch. Shofwan Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 21 26 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8058 Penanganan Sanitasi Permukiman Di Kecamatan Magersari Kota Mojokerto <p>Magersari Subdistrict is one of the subdistricts located in Mojokerto City which has a risk area for domestic wastewater, household waste and environmental drainage. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with the data collection techniques used in this research namely observation and documentation. The purpose of this study is to find out how much effort the community has made in carrying out sanitation and also the proper handling. The results of the analysis based on IFAS and EFAS calculations show that the matrix quadrant is located in quadrant I. This shows that Magersari District has great strengths and advantages from the internal and external sectors in handling residential sanitation in Magersari District.</p> Raditya Anindyajati Moch. Shofwan Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 27 32 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8059 Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Pencatatan Akuntansi dengan Microsoft Access pada Sinar Bulan Bintang <p><em>This study aims to design an accounting record system using Microsoft Access to overcome the constraints and deficiencies faced by </em>Sinar Bulan Bintang<em>. </em>Sinar Bulan Bintang<em> is one of the MSMEs in Batam that operates as a minimarket. This business has been running for 18 years and during that time the owner recorded receipts and expenses manually and even </em><em>making estimates based on memory. As a result, partners experience difficulties recording and bookkeeping, which results in inaccurate decisions. Therefore, the right solution to deal with this problem is to design a computerized accounting recording system through Microsoft Access. The method of collecting data is by interviewing, observing, and documenting the owners and members of </em>Sinar Bulan Bintang<em>. The results of this research are in the form of a system designed with Microsoft Access and available various features needed by partners. One of these features also involves generating financial reports in the form of income statements, balance sheets, </em><em>capital reports, trial balance reports, and sales reports. </em><em>This system allows owners and partners to make more accurate and informed decisions during their daily operations</em>.</p> Kelly Kelly Mardianto Mardianto Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 33 38 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8060 Identifikasi Pola Sebaran Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Di Kawasan Lumpur Lapindo <p><em>The mud disaster that has occurred in Sidoarjo Regency since May 29 2006 was an event of hot gas and mud coming out of the ground with a temperature of 100°C which has inundated several villages in Sidoarjo Regency. Before the disaster, Porong was a productive area because there were many rice fields, shops and factories. The three districts affected by the Lapindo mudflow, namely Porong District, Tanggulangin District, and Jabon District, previously in 2005, based on satellite imagery, had the form of a spreading Green Open Space (RTH). The impact that resulted from the occurrence of the Lapindo mud disaster was the occurrence of land conversion, especially in the Green Open Space (RTH) sector. Based on these problems, it is necessary to identify the pattern of distribution of green open spaces in the Lapindo Mud Disaster Area. This research discusses the distribution pattern of Green Open Space (RTH) in the Lapindo mud disaster area using the Nearest Neighbor Average (NNA) Analysis method. Based on the results of the Nearest Neighbor Average (NNA), the distribution pattern generated in the Lapindo Mud Disaster Area has a random distribution pattern (Random). Porong clustered (Clustered).</em></p> Nur Sinta Aulya Moch. Shofwan Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 39 44 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8061 Analisis Implementasi Strategi Pemasaran Digital dengan Pendekatan Model SOSTAC di Universitas Putera Batam <p>Digital marketing has become a crucial element in the marketing strategy of higher education institutions. This research, adopting a qualitative descriptive research approach and conducted on September 2-3, 2023, aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the practical application of the SOSTAC Model within the framework of Universitas Putera Batam. The research results indicate that the social media performance of Universitas Putera Batam is excellent. On YouTube, there are 428 videos ranking first in terms of video content quantity, along with 1,970 subscribers ranking third among private universities in the Riau Islands. On Instagram, there are 2,887 posts and 11,400 followers, while the Facebook account has 7,500 likes and 7,900 followers, demonstrating excellent performance across all platforms. To enhance engagement, Universitas Putera Batam can take several strategic steps. On the YouTube channel, they can create more informative content that piques the interest of prospective students, such as admission announcement videos. On Instagram, the focus can be directed towards increasing the number of likes by organizing contests or campaigns involving followers to boost engagement. Meanwhile, on Facebook, it is crucial to respond promptly to comments and follower messages and consider sharing more diversified content to improve user interaction. By leveraging the SOSTAC Model and continuously monitoring digital media performance, Universitas Putera Batam can maximize the impact of digital marketing strategies in achieving marketing goals and maintaining attractiveness in the competitive higher education market.</p> Tussi Sulistyowati Nur Elfi Husda Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 45 50 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8062 Pengembangan Model Web Interaktif Dalam Mendukung Aktivitas Pariwisata Di Kota Batam <p>Along with the decline in the covid pandemic in the city of Batam, the government has reopened the tourism faucet to the Batam area. The growth of tourist visits from month to month has increased. However, when compared to the level of tourist arrivals to Batam in the year before the Covid pandemic, it was very much different. Even though the government has improved tourism supporting infrastructure, service levels, better security conditions, the growth of visits has not met expectations. There is one aspect that needs to be developed, namely the aspect of information technology as a communication mouthpiece, travel guide and as an assistant in tourism travel. Information technology is able to solve existing problems in tourism activities in Batam City. For this reason, it is necessary to develop an integrated tourism portal between visitors, tour service providers consisting of the government, the private sector as tourism business managers in the city of Batam and other interested parties. The development of tourism portals is still individual in nature which is still not effective for visitors, because every visitor who needs information and tourism services must open various websites. For this reason, it is necessary to have an interactive web portal that is integrated from various aspects of needs and is expected to become a communicator from stakeholders in the Batam city tourism sector, and is also able to provide precise information on various types of activities in Batam City.</p> Amrizal Amrizal Rika Harman Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 51 61 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8063 Yielding the Turn Strategies on Piers Morgan Vs Kari Lake Interview <p>This research was proposed to discover conversation analysis especially from yielding the turn strategy by using the theory from (Stenstrom, 1994). This theory describes three strategies for yielding the turn, there are appealing strategy, prompting strategy, and giving up strategy. This research took the data source from Piers Morgan’s Uncensored YouTube video entitled “Piers Morgan vs Kari Lake”. For analyzing the data, this research used the qualitative method from Creswell (2013), since the researchers did not use statistics or numeric in collecting and analyzing the data. This research also used observational method from (Sudaryanto, 2015). In collecting and analyzing the data, this research used the theory identity method from (Sudaryanto, 2015). And for the data transcription, this research used transcription convention theory from (Paltridge, 2021). And it was found 12 data of yielding the turn strategies from conversation between Piers Morgan and Kari Lake in the YouTube video. Thus from 12 data, there are 6 data of appealing strategies, then there are 5 data of prompting strategies, and the last is 1 data of giving up strategies. Therefore, the most frequent data is showed by appealing strategy with 6 data, and the least is the giving up strategy with only found 1 data.</p> Monica Heraldine Heraldine Ambalegin Ambalegin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 62 68 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8064 Tingkat Risiko Kawasan Rawan Banjir di Kecamatan Komodo Kabupaten Manggarai Barat <p>Komodo District is also one of the areas that is prone to disasters, especially floods, as happened in 2019 when a flood hit three villages, namely Gorontalo Village, Macang Tanggar Village and Golo Bilas Village, Komodo District. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk level of flood-prone areas in Komodo District, West Manggarai Regency. Methods of data collection in this study using documentation, observation, literature studies and related institutions. The analytical method used is quantitative descriptive analysis with overlay analysis techniques. The results showed that based on the results of the risk assessment analysis for West Manggarai Regency, the index for the flood hazard class for Komodo District was the moderate class index. This is in line with the results of research conducted where the Komodo District is included in the moderate risk level.</p> Olandina De Rosari Lede Moch. Shofwan Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 69 76 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8065 Conversational Analysis: A Holding the Turn on A Trans “Mother” Debates Matt Walsh on Womanhood <p>The aimed of this research are to examined conversation analysis, specifically turn-taking strategy by type of holding the turn in a channel, YouTube of Matt Walsh, A Trans “Mother” Debates Matt Walsh on Womanhood. This research was used a qualitative technique by Creswell and Sudaryanto and Stenstroom's framework was used to assess the turn-taking strategy used in the conversation, with types of holding the turn being filled pause, repetition, and silent pause. The analysis consists of four steps: watching A Trans “Mother” Debates Matt Walsh on Womanhood, creating the transcription of the dialogue, and the data must be classified and interpreted. According to the findings of this study, a turn-taking strategy appears in the conversation. Filled pauses or verbal fillers, repetition, and silent pauses were all present. Filled pauses of verbal fillers and repetition are the most commonly employed turn-taking strategies on the data source. Therefore, this study suggests that conversation analysis is important for understanding the intent of people's speech. Furthermore, this research can be used to reflect on both theoretical and practical contributions. This study lends credence to the hypothesis of conversation analysis in turn-taking strategy. The researchers found the data of filled pause (5), repetition (4), and silent pause (1).</p> Fatia Novita Sari Ambalegin Ambalegin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 77 83 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8066 Pendidikan Adalah Faktor Penentu Daya Saing Bangsa <p><em>The reality of the education system in Indonesia is continually evolving. This article aims to explore the relationship between education and national, even international, competitiveness. Indonesia's national competitiveness has fluctuated over the years. By examining various data, is there an educational factor that determines the nation's competitive position? Through the analysis of various documents and articles, including journals and books, it becomes evident that education is one of the key pillars of a nation's competitiveness. The author gathered material through library research and employed descriptive analysis. The author's findings indicate that education is a critical endeavor for a nation to enhance the quality of its human resources. Therefore, improving the quality and equity of education is essential because it is through education that individuals can become highly competitive and quality-driven individuals.</em></p> Laurensius Dihe Sanga Yvonne Wangdra Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 84 90 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8067 Penerapan Analisis SWOT pada Keboon Kopi Cafe & Resto <p><em>This study applies SWOT analysis to Keboon Coffee Cafe and Resto, a culinary business located in Batam City. Its purpose is to provide insights to the management of Keboon Coffee Cafe &amp; Resto to effectively manage the business in the long term. The Strengths of this business include its strategic location, attractive and Instagram-worthy interior design, comprehensive facilities, spacious premises, a diverse menu offering both Western and Indonesian cuisine, high-quality food at affordable prices, active social media promotion, and a strong reputation among customers. The business&nbsp;also has some Weaknesses, such as challenges with parking during peak hours, relatively slow food service, limited menu availability during certain hours, inflexible beverage packages, the need for ongoing innovation in food and beverages, and the necessity of adjusting portion sizes and prices.&nbsp;Opportunities for Keboon Coffee Cafe &amp; Resto include its central and strategic location in the city, the broad appeal of its food and beverage concept across different demographics, and its family-friendly atmosphere. However, there are also Threats to consider, such as competition from similar businesses in the vicinity, business&nbsp;reliance on a leased location,&nbsp;which could impact long-term sustainability, and the continual need for innovation in menu offerings. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with key informants as the primary source of data collection.</em></p> Iwan Bipianto Wasiman Wasiman Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 91 98 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8068 Analisis Gaya Belajar Siswa Kelas V Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SD Negeri 106156 Klumpang, Kec Hamparan Perak <p>The aim of this research is to analyze students' learning styles in learning English in class V of SD Negeri 106156 Klumpang, Kec. Silver Overlay 2021/2022 academic year. This research is a descriptive research. The population in this study were all class V students of SD Negeri 106156 Klumpang, Kec. Silver Expanse with a total of 48 students. The technique used in sampling is total sampling, namely the technique of determining the sample when all members of the population are used as samples. The data collection techniques for student learning styles in learning English in class V SD 106156 Klumpang, Kec. Hamparan Perak uses a Likert scale questionnaire consisting of 15 statements that have been validated by expert lecturers. The results showed that the analysis of learning styles on visual learning style indicators was in the very dominant category of students with an average percentage of 75.10% and an average value of 15.02. In the auditory learning style indicator, students are very dominant in the category with an average percentage of 75.93% and an average score of 15.19. In the kinesthetic learning style indicator, students are in the dominant category with an average percentage of 64.89% and an average score of 12.98. So it can be analyzed that students' learning styles in learning English in class V of SD Negeri 106156 Klumpang, Kec. Silver Overlay is the more dominant auditory learning style because it obtains higher average scores and percentages than the visual and kinesthetic learning styles.</p> Tri Indah Sari Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 99 104 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8069 Pelatihan Financial Literacy Kepada Warga Di RT 002 / RW 028 Perumahan Buana Impian 2 Kel. Tembesi Kec. Sagulung - Kota Batam <p><em>Community service activities are carried out in the form of training and coaching on financial literacy for residents in RT 002 / RW 028 Buana Impian 2 Housing, Tembesi Village, Sagulung District, Batam City. Based on the results of interviews in the field, it was found that many residents still did not know about financial literacy, namely how to manage personal finances, save, invest, and manage debt properly. The methods used in the training and coaching provided are the survey method, the lecture method, the discussion method and the exercise method which are carried out in 5 meetings. The residents were very enthusiastic about participating in the training and coaching conducted by the Batam Putera University Lecturer Team. The sustainability of the results of training and coaching activities is that it is hoped that residents will be able to manage their finances well.</em></p> Sunarto Wage Ronald Wangdra Wasiman Wasiman Syahril Effendi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 105 110 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8070 Perancangan Sistem Informasi UMKM De’Sate Batam melalui Analisis Pengendalian Internal Menggunakan COSO Framework <p><em>With advances in technology in the current era, technology can make it easier for MSMEs to record more accurate financial reports so they can continue to survive and adapt to various conditions. The purpose of the research conducted was to analyze the state of MSME De'Sate through internal control using the COSO framework and then to design an information system through the UML Class Diagram and UI Layout Form modeling. The research approach was used by conducting direct observations and interviews with De'Sate MSME owners, with the types of data being primary data and secondary data obtained through literature studies. The research results obtained are as follows: (1) In maintaining the continuity of its business, De'Sate implements internal control with the COSO concept, (2) system design has been made using use case diagrams, UML class diagrams, and the creation of UI Layout forms and systems that made accompanied by a Point Of Sales (POS) so that De'Sate can improve the efficiency of the customer service process.</em></p> Suwarno Suwarno Verren Calystania Veni Sisca Jessica Novia Vira Vira Stephanie Stephanie Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 111 125 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8071 Analisis Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Keuangan Terhadap Literasi Keuangan Mahasiswa Di Kota Batam <p><em>The ease of using money makes it difficult for people to control their finances, financial management is always related to the necessities of life. Managing finances properly requires financial knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in using money. Financial difficulties are not only caused by a small income but due to person's inability to manage finances. Therefore, it is necessary to improve and develop habits to plan and manage finances. This study aims to examine the level of financial knowledge, attitudes, and financial behavior. This study used the solving formula for sampling with a tolerance level of 0.05 and obtained a sample of 282 respondents. The data collection technique used a questionnaire while the answers used a Likert scale. Several analyzes were performed: descriptive statistical analysis, data quality test, classical assumptions, influence, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that financial knowledge had a significant effect on financial literacy with significant level of 0.003 &lt;0.05. Financial attitude has no significant effect on financial literacy with a significant level of 0.278 &gt; 0.05. Financial behavior has significant effect on financial literacy with significant level of 0.001 &lt; 0.05 and simultaneously knowledge, attitudes and financial behavior affect the financial literacy of students in Batam city.</em></p> Agnes Mulyani Dian Efriyenti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 126 131 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8072 Pengaruh Financial Knowledge, Money Management Dan Locus Of Control Terhadap Financial Literacy Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Batam <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of financial literacy and lifestyle on financial management owned by student. The population in this study were accounting students at Batam University, Universal University, Batam International University, totaling 879 students. The sample used in this study amounted to 275 students using random sampling techniques. The data used in this study are primary data, namely by distributing questionnaire. Data analysis technique used in this case this research is a quantitative data analysis technique using descriptive analysis, instrument testing, classical assumption testing, multiple lineat analysis and hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing (t test) shows that financial knowledge, money management and locus of control partially have a significant effect on financial literacy. The result of the research on the f test show that financial knowledge, money management and locus of control simultaneously have a significant effect on financial literacy.</em></p> Yosi Afrimayanti Vargo Christian L Tobing Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 132 138 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8073 Pengaruh NPL, LDR Dan BOPO Terhadap ROA Pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Di Kota Batam <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of NPL, LDR and BOPO variables on ROA at Rural Banks in Batam city registered with the OJK. The data used is secondary data, namely financial reports that have been published on the OJK official website. The purposive sampling technique is a technique used to determine the sample in this study. The population used in this study were 28 BPRs in Batam City with a total population of 140 and a sample of 110 obtained from 22 Rural Bank companies in Batam City registered with the Financial Services Authority for the period 2017 to 2021 in accordance with predetermined criteria that have been determined. This study uses classical assumption test analysis, multiple linear regression, t test, F test and coefficient of determination and SPSS version 25 software as a medium for hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the study, it shows that non-performing loans have a negative and significant effect on ROA, partially LDR has no significant effect on ROA and BOPO partially has a negative and significant effect on ROA. Based on the F test, it shows that NPL, LDR and BOPO simultaneously affect ROA.</em></p> Lisbet Sariyanti Sembiring Viola Syukrina E Janrosl Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 139 144 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8074 Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Audit Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Batam <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of audit independence, competence and professional ethics on audit quality. In this study, a sample of 65 respondents were those who worked and as employees of several KAP in Batam City. Multiple regression tests are used to test hypotheses in order to analyze the influence of factors on audit quality. This study shows that independence and competence do not have a positive effect on audit quality. At the same time, audit ethics has a significant positive impact or influence on audit quality.</em></p> Cibanis Mei Kristin Nazara Viola Syukrina E Janrosl Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 145 150 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8075 An Analysis of Positive Politeness Strategies on You Tube Video Entitled “Ariana Grande I Full Video” <p>The aim of this research is to find and explain the occurrence of positive politeness strategies from You Tube video entitled “Ariana Grande I Full Video”. In analyzing the data, researchers took the theory of positive politeness strategies in the scope of Pragmatics by Brown &amp; Levinson (1987) that consists 15 strategies. Descriptive qualitative method was applied by researchers in this research. In collecting data, researchers took observational method, such as watching and listening careful to the video, finding the words that contain the occurrence of positive politeness, collecting the data from the video, divide them based on positive politeness strategies, analyze the words, and explain the result of the analysis. After done doing the analysis, researchers found 68 phenomenon that occur in 10 positive politeness strategies, they are 3 occurrence of the first strategy (Notice, attending to hearer), 13 occurrence of the second strategy (Exaggerating (Showing interest, approving, and give sympathy to hearer)), 8 occurrence of the fourth strategy (Using in group identity marker), 21 occurrence of the fifth strategy (Seeking agreement), 3 occurrence of the sixth strategy (Avoid disagreement),&nbsp; 10 occurrence of the seventh strategy (Presupposing, raising, or asserting common ground), 1 occurrence of the eighth strategy (Giving joke), 1 occurrence of the twelfth strategy (Including or getting both speaker and hearer into the activity), 7 occurrence of the thirteenth strategy (Giving or asking for reason), and 1 occurrence of the fifteenth strategy (Giving gifts to H in the form of goods, sympathy, understanding, and cooperation).</p> Wel Son Afriana Afriana Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 151 156 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8076 Dampak Cashless dan Cardless Society Bagi Kaum Milenial <p><em>This study aims to analyze the impact of a cashless and cardless society on millennials. This research is a qualitative social research using primary data. Problem identification is supported by the VostViewer tool. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and reviewing cashless and cardless practices. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used in this research is presenting data and drawing conclusions by looking at social realities related to the development of a cashless and cardless society. The results of this research are that there are many pros and cons to the cashless and cardless phenomenon, because some believe that this phenomenon brings more benefits, while others think otherwise. Apart from that, several reasons why millennials use cashless and cardless are to control expenses, avoid crime, make it easier to use E-Wallet and are incredibly practical. This indicates that the acceptance of a digital-based payment application can be analyzed through positive responses from the public, especially millennials.</em></p> Hermaya Ompusunggu Poniman Poniman Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 157 162 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8077 Pembinaan Penggunaan Aplikasi Permodelan dan Simulasi Pada UMKM Handcarft Untuk Meningkatkan Produktifitas <p><em>Batam City has a strategic geographical location close to several developed and developing countries. In the current era of information technology, it is hoped that business actors, especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) can utilize digital media to market both new and old products to ensure business continuity. The sustainability of SMEs is important because the SME sector is the largest producer of GDP and employment. The simulation approach begins with the creation of a realistic system model. A model must be able to show how the various components in a system interact to truly describe the behavior of the system. After the model is created, it is converted into a computer program so that it can be simulated. During the mentoring period, the service team continued to monitor and evaluate the development of Handcraft MSMEs. They provide useful feedback and suggestions to improve the use of modeling and simulation applications and the productivity of MSMEs. Apart from that, the service team also helps in overcoming technical obstacles or problems that may arise during application implementation. The results of the evaluation are used as a basis for compiling recommendations and guidelines for the use of modeling and simulation applications in MSME Handcraft more broadly.</em></p> Citra Indah Asmarawati Elva Susanti Tukino Tukino Bahariandi Aji Prasetyo Elsya Tarigan Paskaria Loyda Tarigan Anggia Arista Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 163 167 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8078 Hukum Dan Usaha Remaja Masjid Mukhtarul Arifin Perumahan Cipta Asri Kelurahan Tembesi Kota Batam <p><em>The material provided in this coaching is divided into 2 groups, namely the legal group and the business group aimed at "Youth / Young Generation". The coaching material given to the legal group is to provide an introduction and / or understanding of the existing arrangements (rules of law), because after all he will be the next generation of religious leadership, nation and state. To not be wrong, then from an early age given an understanding of the rule of law that exists in the midst of the nation and state society. With the hope that with a brief education / training like this, he will understand. The debriefing material provided to business groups is to provide an introduction and/or understanding and invite adolescents/young people from an early age to develop their talents in business. To understand the importance of living independently in the future, of course in this case how to do good business, full of honesty and justice, and understand how to develop</em>.</p> Ukas Ukas Moh. Andika Surya Lebang Padrisan Jamba Risca Azmiana Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 168 172 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8079 Perancangan Desain Sistem Inventori Tool Crib Pada Bengkel Mesin <p>Information management for inventory is very important to help companies or organizations manage their inventory more efficiently and effectively. With good information management, companies can monitor and control the quantity of goods available, avoid shortages or excess stocks, and optimize the process of sending and receiving goods. The equipment management system in the POLMED Mechanical Engineering Workshop Tool Crib is still conventional, not yet using a technology-based (computer) management system. Where equipment borrowed by students or other stakeholders is still recorded in a form and there is no information management-based recording. So that the number of tools, the condition of the tools and who borrows the tools cannot be controlled properly. And problems/issues arise when the equipment is often not in place or missing.</p> Riki Handoko Hamzah Syahbana Munthe Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 173 176 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8080 Pengaruh Leverage Dan Kepemilikan Manajerial Terhadap Manajemen Laba Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur <p><em>The purpose of this study is to ascertain how managerial ownership and leverage affect earnings management. In this study, the purposive sampling method was used for sampling. The perception variable received a t count value of in accordance with the findings of the hypothesis test 0.785 &lt; t table 1.655, and Sig 0.437 &gt; 0.05. The competency variable obtained a t count value of 2.173 &gt; t table 1.655, and Sig 0.012 &lt; 0.05, so it can be concluded that managerial ownership variables have a significant impact on earnings management. As a result, It can be said that the leverage variable has little to no effect on managing earnings. It is possible to conclude that managerial ownership and leverage both significantly affect earnings management because the calculated f value is 33.488 with a significance of 0.000, which means that the significant value is less than the probability value, which is 0.05 or 0.000 0.05</em></p> Muhammad Taufik Hermaya Ompusunggu Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 177 182 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8081 Analisis Tren Topik Publikasi Ilmiah Dosen Jurusan Teknik Komputer Menggunakan Co-Words Analysis <p><em>One important factor in the development of science is through research in the relevant field. This was done to answer various problems and expand the scope of knowledge in this field of science. In Indonesia, seminars are conducted by both government and non-government institutions with the aim of being a forum for academics, practitioners, and researchers to re-correct the results of scientific articles in order to perfect these scientific articles. Previous bibliometric researchers more often studied papers, theses, dissertations and scientific journals. This is done to view usage, collection, obsolescence of information, knowledge mapping, etc. Based on the information above, the following is the background of this research, first, there is no scientific mapping to see trends in research topics, especially in scientific articles in the field of computer science, especially in the Computer Engineering and informatics department. Based on the formulation of the problem to be studied related to research topic trends and bibliometric studies of scientific articles in the proceedings in the field of computer science and information at seminars and conferences in Indonesia, a measuring instrument in the form of numbers will be used. The results of this study indicate that the trend of article research topics that are developing in the 2021-2023 period are data science and IoT, while the results of the citation analysis carried out show that the most widely used type of literature in writing scientific articles is journal literature (93.49%).</em></p> Hamzah Syahbana Munthe Riki Handoko Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 183 187 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8082 Implementasi Good Corporate Governance Penguatan BUMN Dalam Perlindungan Keuangan Negara <p>Promoting effective, open and compliant markets requires good governance. Therefore, in the current era of bureaucratic reform, the implementation of GCG in BUMN must be supported by 3 interrelated pillars, namely: The state and its systems act as regulators, businesses as market actors, and citizens as users of business products and services. Regulations issued by the government have a significant impact on the implementation of GCG. Society lends legitimacy to companies as providers of resources and buyers of company products. A good business leader must be able to balance different interests in supporting the business. This research method uses qualitative research, where these studies are systematized from several sections and phenomena and refer to causal relationships between theories from different sources.</p> Gusnia Gusnia Etika Khairina Timbul Dompak Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 188 191 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8083 Pengaruh Penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Dan Kualitas Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di PT Simatelex Batam <p>The purpose of this study is to ascertain how end match affects implementing SIA and the quality of SIA on employee performance. The information gathering strategy is an overview survey of 100 respondents. The method used is the Non Probability Sampling technique that is selected by Saturated Sampling (census), which is a sampling method when all members of the population are used as samples. The results of the hypothesis test, the value of tcount 5.861 &gt; ttable value of 1.666 and a substantial amount of 0.000 is less than the alpha value of 0.05, so that it can be finished that the SIA Implementation employee performance is significantly and directly impacted by this variable.. tcount value of 4.177 &gt; ttable value of 1.666 and a significant value of 0.000 is less than the alpha value of 0.05, so it can be concluded that the AIS quality variable has a direct and significant effect on employee performance. The calculated F value is and the sig value is 0.000 &lt; 0.05. 187.828 &gt; F Table 3.128, so the authors conclude that the SIA Implementation and SIA Quality have a significant or significant influence on Employee Performance.</p> Natalia Sitohang Mortigor Afrizal Purba Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 192 197 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8084 Pengaruh Pengetahuan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Dan Tingkat Pendidikan Terhadap Keberhasilan Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah Di Kota Batam <p>The purpose of this study is to ascertain how the level of education and SIA knowledge affect the success of MSMEs. The sample for this study consists of MSME actors working in the food and beverage industry. One interpretation of quantitative research techniques is that they are positivism-based research techniques. The results of the hypothesis test were t count 2.100 &gt; t table 1.660 and Sig 0.001. &lt;0.05, so it can be concluded that the AIS Knowledge variable has a significant influence on business success. The education level variable obtained a t count value of 5.742 &gt; Sig 0 point 000 &gt; 0 point 05 and t table 1 point 660. Therefore, it can be said that a major factor affecting business success is the level of education. In light of this, it can be said that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, or, to put it another way, that the independent variables simultaneously have a significant impact on the dependent variable.</p> Elsa Mailani Damanik Erni Yanti Natalia Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 198 203 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8085 Penerapan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan UMKM Dalam Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Pada Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah Di Kota Batam <p><em>Micro, small and medium enterprises are businesses that have received attention from the Indonesian government. Financial reports are generally up to standard SAK EMKM, including notes on the statement of financial position, income statement and notes on financial statements. The main objective of the study is the accounting records of business actors in Batam City who have implemented financial accounting standards for micro, small and medium enterprises. Motivation for financial reports, socialization will be significantly related to the implementation of MSMEs. This approach uses qualitative interviews and questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents. Based on the data processing carried out on the variable financial statement variable (X1), the statement X1-X6 has a positive value. The conclusion is that the financial statements of micro, small and medium enterprises have a significant effect on SAK EMKM.</em></p> Muhammad Taufik Haposan Banjarnahor Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 204 209 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8086 Definite and Indefinite Use in Ronaldo’s Interview <p>This qualitative research aimed to find out the errors of definite and indefinite in Ronaldo’s interview. The result of this research was displayed descriptively. The researchers used qualitative method for this research. The observational method and technique was a non-participant used to collect the data. While analyzing the data, identification was used as the method and competence in comparing was used as the technique. The script of Ronaldo’s interview was taken as the data and were analyzed narratively. &nbsp;Ronaldo as the speaker used “the” which he was not referring to a specific noun. He also used to talk about something that referred to a wide range of things then he suddenly used “the” when “the” only referred to something specific thing or a single thing or noun. This research used the theory of ​Hewings (2013). The results showed that 20 data errors of definite and indefinite use. It showed the errors of definite with 15 data and indefinite with 5 data.</p> Diffyanie Diffyanie Ambalegin Ambalegin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 210 215 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8087 Pengaruh Relationship Marketing Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Klinik Navaagreen Batam <p>The concept of relationship marketing emerged in the fields of services marketing and industrial marketing. Relationship marketing combines offline and online strategies to strengthen bonds between businesses and customers. In essence, it involves investing heavily in connections with customer.. The objective of this study is to investigate how he trust, commitment, communication, and conflict handling influence the customer loyalty. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire which was administrated to a total sample of 100 consumers of Navaagreen Batam Clinic. The analyses involved statistical methods such reliability and validity tests and multiple regression.&nbsp; The results indicated that there are positive significant relationship between (a) trust, (b) commitment, (c) communication and consumer loyalty at Navaagreen Batam Clinic. The finding also indicated that there is negative insignificant relationship between Handling Customer Complaints/Conflicts and consumer loyalty at Navaagreen Batam Clinic. The study therefore recommends that Navaagreen Batam Clinic need to implement the strategy to maintain customer trust, commitment and communication. The current study also suggest to Navaagreen Batam Clinic for improving the customer’s complaint handling system as well as to show more care and concern when relating to their customers as all these give the consumers a seen as assurance and honor as revealed by the study result.</p> Inda Sukati Triana Ananda Rustam Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 216 226 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8088 Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi Dalam Membayar Pajak Penghasilan <p><em>Taxes are mandatory contributions for individuals or entities to the State that are coercive by law.&nbsp; The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of taxpayer knowledge, taxpayer awareness and tax sanctions on individual taxpayer compliance in paying income tax at KPP Pratama Batam Selatan.&nbsp; The population in this study amounted to 353,894 people with a sample using the slovin formula totaling 100 respondents.&nbsp; This study uses quantitative methods with data quality tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing using SPSS 25. From the research that has been done, the results show that using the t test the variables of taxpayer knowledge and taxpayer awareness have a significant effect on compliance&nbsp; taxpayers, while the variable tax sanctions have no significant effect on taxpayer compliance.&nbsp; Then in the f test variable knowledge of taxpayers, awareness of taxpayers and tax sanctions simultaneously affect taxpayer compliance in paying income tax.</em></p> Serlinda Afrinita Sari Hermaya Ompusunggu Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 227 232 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8089 Analisis Penerapan Akuntansi Biaya Bahan Baku Dan Biaya Tenaga Kerja Langsung Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Produksi Pada PT Ghim Li Indonesia <p><em>The purpose of this study was to find out whether the cost of raw materials and direct labor costs had an effect on the increase in production. In this quantitative research two types of variables are used, namely the independent variable is Raw Material Cost, Direct Labor Cost&nbsp; and the dependent variable is Increased Production Results. Sampling is done by the technique used, namely purposive sampling. Data analysis using Classical Assumptions and Multiple Linear Regression methods. The results of the study were processed using SPSS 27, it can be seen that the Raw Material Cost has a tcount of 4.616 with a significance probability of 0.000, concluded that Raw Material Costs&nbsp; partially have a positive and significant effect on Increasing Production Cost of Direct Labor Costs&nbsp; has t count of 4.944 with a significance of 0,000 can be concluded that Direct Labor Costs&nbsp; partially have a positive and significant effect on Increasing Production Results. The F test shows the Fcount value of 71,270 and significance of 0,000b means that there is a significant effect between Raw Material Costs&nbsp; and Direct Labor Costs on Increasing Production Results.</em></p> Baru Harahap Nur Isra Laili Muhammad Rahmat Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 233 240 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8090 Perancangan E-Commerce Pada Victory Collection Berbasis Web <p><em>Along with developments in technology, companies are increasingly required to use advanced technology as a tool or media to survive and win the competition. The impact on the aspect of competition is the formation of an increasingly strong competition. The purpose of this research is to know how to design sales system at Victory Collection using web system; And to know how to optimize the sales system more effectively and efficiently at Victory Collection; As well as to find out how the solution to increase sales using a manual into a web-based system at Victory Collection. By using Waterfall Process Model method, all the system details that have been running and the system that will be proposed will be arranged and implemented to optimize the promotion and sales of existing products at Victory Collection. The Waterfall Process approach or method is a systematic and sequential systematic development model that starts at the level and progress of the system in all stages such as analysis, design, code, testing, and maintenance. This model covers activities such as engineering and modeling of information systems, needs analysis, design, coding, maintenance, and testing. The design of this information system is limited only to the food and beverage sales system. The results of this system is expected to minimize damage and loss of sales data and ordering goods at Victory Collection; And this system is expected to help facilitate the search and presentation of goods data at Victory Collection; And this system is expected to increase the sales ratio at Victory Collection</em>.</p> Narti Eka Putria Nurul Azwanti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 241 249 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8091 Penerapan Algoritma K-Means Untuk Pemetaan Penerimaan Bantuan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Kota Batam <p><em>2020 is a very difficult year for humans in this world, with a virus outbreak that has swept across the country, this outbreak is called Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Including in Indonesia with cases that continue to increase every day, until now there is no sign of this outbreak ending, with this incident the government issued a policy for large-scale social restrictions or known as PSPB in various regions that fall into the category of large case zones and According to data from the Riau Islands Covid-19 cluster, in Batam City itself, the number of Covid-19 cases continued to increase so that it exceeded the number of 2000. As a result of this protracted disaster, of course, human life has been disrupted, many jobs have been neglected, so that various types of businesses have had to go out of business because their turnover has been much reduced and this has caused business voters to have to lay off their employees. This situation received rapid attention from the government through the social service agency to provide welfare assistance for people affected by COVID-19, but the problem here is from observations while researchers are still many of the assistance that is not right on target, causing polemics for the community. This research will utilize one of the datamining techniques with the K means algorithm to determine the mapping or segmentation of government assistance to communities affected by COVID-19 in order to accelerate people's purchasing power with the aim that research results can be used by community leaders such as RT, RW to record citizens who need this assistance. The results of the analysis show that the clustering segmentation with the data analyzed is 30 data stating that there are priority recipients which are divided into 5 clusters with predetermined criteria</em>.</p> Muhammad Taufik Narti Eka Putria Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 250 256 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8092 Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Web Pada UMKM ZXID Di Kota Batam <p><em>The development of technology is currently growing, one of them is the online development, which is very fast, many companies have started to offer their spare parts online in order to make the most profit, so the competition between companies is growing "spare parts" services. Company. This is why UMKM ZXID needs to create a web marketing information system so that consumers can easily access spare parts information as they can order directly և pay for spare parts through the website. The method used is the SDLC waterfall model, which consists of needs analysis, design, software coding, testing, marketing, and maintenance. The result of this research is a web-based marketing information system that allows consumers to easily order products to order spare parts and saves employees time and money.</em></p> Arif Rahman Hakim Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 257 262 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8093 Analisis Penentuan Harga Kamar Hotel Dengan Fuzzy Logic Metode Sugeno Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Pelanggan Di Kota Batam <p><em>Determining the right hotel room pricing is a critical aspect of hotel management. In Batam City, a popular destination for both tourism and business, adjusting hotel room prices based on customer needs has become increasingly important. This research focuses on the utilization of Fuzzy Logic Sugeno Method to analyze and determine hotel room prices that can be tailored to the preferences and requirements of customers in Batam City. The Sugeno Method is a powerful technique in fuzzy logic that allows for qualitative modeling of customer preferences. This research integrates historical hotel room data, weather data, city event data, and customer preferences collected through surveys and sentiment analysis. Subsequently, this method is employed to generate membership functions that link input variables, such as weather, to the output variable, which is hotel room price. The research findings demonstrate that this approach can yield hotel room prices that are more aligned with customer preferences based on factors such as weather and city events. This aids hotels in Batam City in optimizing their revenue by offering competitive and enticing prices to potential customers. This research makes a significant contribution to the development of smarter pricing strategies in the hotel industry, with a focus on customer satisfaction and revenue enhancement.</em></p> Anggia Dasa Putri Tukino Tukino Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 263 273 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8094 Perancangan Infrastruktur VoIP Menggunakan Trixbox Open Source dengan Lapisan Keamanan VPN Antar Klien <p><em>PT Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi has several employees scattered across various rooms, and effective communication among them is crucial. Previously, the company relied on a Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) phone system, which proved suboptimal as each room had only one PABX line while accommodating eight employees. Consequently, there was a need to optimize the communication system for PT Batam Bintan Telecommunication employees. The communication system was enhanced by implementing Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as a replacement for the PABX system. VoIP was deployed using a Trixbox server, SIP phones, Zoiper, and MicroSIP applications for making calls on client computers, with VPN (Virtual Private Network) ensuring security between clients. Each employee was provided with a VoIP account registered on the Trixbox server, complete with a telephone number and password. Based on the research findings, the implementation of VoIP on computers within PT Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi's environment, connected through the Trixbox server, significantly facilitated communication among employees, ultimately supporting their performance. This VoIP solution is expected to replace the previous communication system utilized at PT Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi, thus leveraging internet resources to enhance communication efficiency.</em></p> Muhammad Taufik Tukino Tukino Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 274 285 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8095 Pengembangan Sistem Pengontrolan Irigasi Cerdas dengan Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) <p><em>Agriculture plays a pivotal role in addressing global food demands, with efficient resource utilization, particularly water, being crucial for sustainability. In this context, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a potent tool for optimizing irrigation water usage. This study centers on developing an IoT-based smart irrigation control system to enhance agricultural water efficiency. The system integrates soil moisture sensors, water pumps, and an IoT platform for autonomous plant irrigation management. Real-time sensor data is collected and processed to make intelligent irrigation decisions, reducing water consumption by up to 30% compared to traditional methods, as demonstrated in field trials. Beyond water efficiency, the system empowers farmers to remotely access and manage irrigation through a web or mobile app, offering resource management flexibility and improved adaptability to changing weather conditions. This research underscores IoT's substantial potential in advancing agricultural irrigation efficiency, curbing water use, and promoting economically and environmentally sustainable farming. These findings serve as a blueprint for future agricultural solutions in the IoT-driven sector.</em></p> Ali Abrar Tukino Tukino Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 286 293 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8096 Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Dalam Membayar Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Di Samsat Kota Batam <p><em>This study aims to prove the existence of partial and simultaneous influence of a variable Taxpayer Awareness and Science in Taxation to the taxpayer of the Variable Compliance Paying Motor Vehicle Tax in SAMSAT Batam. The analysis used in this research is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis which has the aim to determine the regression coefficients besarknya which will show the level of influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of t-test showed that the variables Consciousness Taxpayer significantly affects the Taxpayer Compliance In Paying Motor Vehicle Tax with t Count equal to 2.851 with a significance level of 0.000 and Science in Taxation&nbsp; to variable Taxpayer Compliance In Paying Vehicle Tax motor with t Count equal to 3.358 with a significance level of 0.000. Test results show that the F Taxpayer Awareness and Science in Taxation simultaneously influence the Taxpayer Compliance In Paying Motor Vehicle Tax with F Calculate 154.945.</em></p> Mortigor Afrizal Purba Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 294 305 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8097 Penerapan Metode Algoritma C4.5 dalam Penilaian Kelayakan Pemberian Kredit Kepada Mitra Usaha PT Arita Prima Sukses <p><em>This research aims to investigate the application of the C4.5 algorithm method in assessing the feasibility of granting credit to business partners by PT Arita Prima Sukses. PT Arita Prima Sukses is a financial industry company with various business partners in need of financial support for their growth. The decision-making process regarding the provision of credit to business partners is a critical aspect of the company's risk management. The C4.5 method is one of the artificial intelligence methods used for decision-making based on rules identified from historical data. This research collects and analyzes historical data on credit approval for business partners by PT Arita Prima Sukses. The C4.5 method is then implemented to generate a predictive model that can assist in assessing the feasibility of future credit approvals. The results of the research indicate that the C4.5 method can significantly contribute to improving the accuracy of assessing the feasibility of granting credit to business partners. With this model, the company can be more effective in identifying potential risks and optimizing their credit portfolio. The implications of this research include enhancements in risk management and the potential for increased company profitability.</em></p> Tukino Tukino Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 306 314 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8098 Pembinaan Pemberdayaan Kelompok UKM Berbasis Teknologi Dan Pemasaran Digital <p><em>The implementation of community service activities that will be carried out in the form of fostering </em>Pemasaran Digital<em>-Based Marketing Empowerment which is located at Rindang Garden Blok B2 No. 04 Buliang Batu Aji Village, Batam. Based on the results of interviews in the field that KUBE Jasmine SMEs have problems marketing their products. In general, SMEs have limitations in mastering the use of information technology facilities plus marketing media that are less well known by the public. SMEs or conventional entrepreneurs consider accounting records to be a hassle. The training method used is to provide training on training using an online website. The methods used in the development of KUBE Jasmine UKM that will be given are survey methods, lecture methods, discussion methods and training methods. The sustainability of the results of the coaching activities is that KUBE Jasmine SMEs are expected to be able to manage marketing through web-based </em>Pemasaran Digital.</p> Erlin Elisa Tukino Tukino Alfannisa Annurrallah Fajrin Nanda Harry Mardika Suvianto Wangdra Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 315 321 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8099 Pengaruh Skeptisme Profesional, Beban Kerja dan Tekanan Waktu Terhadap Kemampuan Auditor Mendeteksi Kecurangan (Fraud) Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Batam <p>This research was conducted with the aim of knowing how much influence Professional Skepticism, Workload and Time Pressure have on the auditor's ability to detect fraud at the Batam Public Accounting Firm. This study used an analytical method, which is quantitative data analysis and processed using SPSS version 25. The type of data used in this study was primary data in the form of a questionnaire that was measured using a interval scale. The research population is all junior auditors, seniors, managers and partners working at the Batam Public Accounting Firm who are registered in the Directory of the Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants. The research sample used a purposive sampling technique with population 92 and total sample of 70 respondents. Partially, professionalskepticism obtained results that did not have a significant effect on the auditor’s ability to detect fraud, while workload and time pressure obtained results that had a significant effect on the auditor’s ability to detect fraud. Professional skepticsm, workload and time pressure take effect simultaneously. Based on the test for the coefficient of determination, the result is 68.6%, meaning that the contribution of the percentage of Professional Skepticism, Workload and Time Pressure is 68.6% and external variable factors are 31.4%.</p> Tesa Granita Mandalika Viola Syukrina E Janrosl Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 322 328 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8100 Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Osi Electronics Batam <p><em>The purpose of this research is to determine 1. Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance in PT Osi Electronics Batam partially; 2. Effect of Work Motivation on Employee Performance partially; and (3) Effect of Work Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance Work simultaneously. Methods: Total population in this study was 138 employees and the amount of sample in this study was 138 employees, Data Collection Techniques by questionnaire, sampling technique research using sampling techniques saturated. Analysis method is Quantitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis with Multiple Linear Regression, determination (R Square), to determine the factors that influence employee performance with the coefficient of determination in Partial (r2) and simultaneous (R2). To test the hypothesis with the t-Test (Partial) and F-Test (Simultaneously), with a significance level (α = 0.05). The results showed that the influence of the variable Work Discipline Employee Performance is equal to 0.537 (53.70%). Work Motivation variable amount of influence on employee performance is equal to 0.887 (88.70%). The magnitude of the effect of variable Work Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance Working simultaneously on PT Osi Electronics Batam amounted to 4,065 (40.65%).</em></p> Syaifullah Syaifullah Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 329 336 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8101 Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Di Pasar Buana Impian Di Kota Batam <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the Location and the Price on consumer Purchase Decisions on Buana Impian Shock Market in Batam City either partially or simultaneously. The independent variable of this research is Location and Price and the dependent variable is Purchase Decision. The population of this research was people who have bought in this market. Samples of this study were taken by using accidental sampling. The technique of collecting data from this study is by using questionnaires. Methods of data analysis in this study using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of statistical software SPSS. The results of this study are the Location has negative and insignificant effect on Purchase Decisions with coefficient -0.251. Prices has positive and significant influence on Purchase Decisions with a coefficient of 0.564. F test results indicate the Location and Price simultaneously have positive and significant influence on Consumers purchase decisions on Buana Impian Shock Market in Batam City. The value of F count 5.408&gt;3.18 and significance value 0.007&lt;0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Value t count -1.380&lt;2.00758 shows the Location has insignificant and negative influence on Purchase Decisions, with significant value 0.174&gt;0.05 then Ho is accepted and Ha rejected. Price has positive and significant influence on Purchase Decisions by value t count 2.400&gt; 2.00758 and the significance value 0.020&lt;0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted.</em></p> Nanda Harry Mardika Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 337 344 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8102 The Error of Past Tense Expression in Jackie Chan’s Utterances on Jackie Chan in Conversation <p>This research aims to identify the incorrect use of past tense by Jackie Chan in giving his first public talk at the Sydney Opera House. In this qualitative research, the researchers applied an observational method that focuses on grammatical errors. In this study, the researchers use a non-participatory technique that focuses on grammatical errors. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data, the method was identification, and the technique was competence in comparing. The researchers took the source from a conversation from Jacky Chan in an interview in Australia on Youtube. Based on the, the errors uttered by the speaker are errors in using the past simple, errors in using clauses and verbs, specifying a particular point or period in the past, and the verb "be". The conclusion is the speaker incorrectly used the appropriate type of verb when speaking in the past tense, the speaker also often uses the wrong type of verb that should be used in telling the past tense, and the use of verb "be".</p> Ricky Ricky Ambalegin Ambalegin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 345 350 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8103 Analisis Pengetahuan Akuntansi dan Pengalaman Usaha Terhadap Pengembangan Usaha serta Penggunaan Informasi Akuntansi Sebagai Variabel Intervening <p><em>This research was conducted to find out the results of research on accounting knowledge and business experience on business development as well as the use of accounting information as an intervening variable carried out on micro business actors in Batam City. The population is all micro business actors in Batam City who are registered with the Office of Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises in Batam City. While the sample was randomly selected and calculated using the slovin formula as many as 87 respondents. Primary data is used and obtained by sharing the Google form. Data analysis using Outer Model tests (Outer Loading, composite reliability, Cronbach's alpha and AVE) and Inner Model (Multicollinearity, linearity, endogeneity, direct and indirect hypothesis tests, R sqare test) with the help of the SmartPLS4 application. The research results show that direct business experience and accounting knowledge have a significant effect on business development. Accounting knowledge and business experience directly have a significant effect on the use of accounting information. Meanwhile, the direct use of accounting information has no significant effect on business development. Indirectly, the use of accounting information does not become intervening between the independent variables on the dependent variable.</em></p> Neni Marlina Br Purba Ronald Wangdra Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 351 356 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8104 Analisis Environmental Performance dan Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2018-2022 <p>The research aims to analyze environmental performance and corporate social responsibility on the Performance of Manufacturing Companies listed on the IDX in 2018-2022. This research uses 34 mining companies listed on the IDX in 2018-2022. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The sample used was 12 coal mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used is in the form of annual reports and sustainability reports which are reported consistently every year by the company. Process research data using SPSS 29 for partial test (t) and simultaneous test (f). The results of the study show that environmental performance has a significant positive effect on the performance of mining companies listed on the IDX in 2018-2022. Then Corporate Social Responsibility has a significant positive effect on the performance of mining companies listed on the IDX in 2018-2022. Environmental performance and corporate social responsibility simultaneously have a significant positive effect on the performance of mining companies listed on the IDX in 2018-2022.</p> Anggun Permata Husda Risca Azmiana Haposan Banjarnahor Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 357 362 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8105 The Improperness Of Present Tense In Jonathan Liandi’s Empetalk <p>This research aimed to discover the improperness of present tense in Jonathan Liandi’s Empetalk. In this research, qualitative descriptive used as the research method. The researchers used the script of interview from Jonathan Liandi’s Empetalk as the data source. In collecting the data, the method was observation and the technique was non-participant. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data, the method was identification and the technique was competence in comparing. The utterances from the script of interview which were taken as the data were analyzed narratively. The researchers used the theory of (Hewings, 2013) to discover the improper of present tense. The researchers discovered 7 utterances based on the findings. spoken that show the improper use of present tense. There were the improperness of verb used, and the improperness of adverb of frequency used.</p> Muhammad Rayhan Ramadhan Ambalegin Ambalegin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 363 367 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8106 Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Kompetensi Pegawai Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Pada PT Pos Indonesia Di Kota Batam <p><em>Style of leadership is the norm of behavior used by a person when the person is trying to influence the behavior of others as he sees. The term competence lies in part in every human being and forever exist in a person's personality can predict the behavior and performance broadly in all situations and work tasks or jobs task. Meanwhile, pengerak Increased productivity is a motor of economic progress and benefit the company or organization. Productivity is also important to increase wages and individual acceptance. A country that is unable to increase its productivity will decline in the standard of life. Methods: Total population in this study is 564 people and the amount of sample in this study is 234 people, with the Data Collection Techniques questionnaire, sampling technique stratified Sampling.Analisis research using the technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis that has a purpose to determine the magnitude of the regression coefficients which will show the level of influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. T test results showed that leadership style variable (X1) significantly affects the Work Productivity (Y) and Employee Competency variables (X2) significantly affects the Work Productivity (Y). F-test results showed that the Leadership Style (X1) and Employee Competence (X2) effect simultaneously on Work Productivity (Y) at PT Pos Indonesia in Batam</em>.</p> Wasiman Wasiman Yvonne Wangdra Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 368 380 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8107 Pembinaan Sistem Akuntansi Serta Pelaporan Keuangan di SMK Kolese Tiara Bangsa <p><em>Effective accounting and financial reporting systems are crucial for ensuring transparency, accuracy, and the sustainability of finances in vocational schools like SMK Kolese Tiara Bangsa. This research aims to examine the efforts in fostering and enhancing the accounting and financial reporting systems at SMK. The study involves data collection from various sources, including interviews with administrative staff, document analysis, and monitoring of accounting procedures. The research findings indicate that SMK Kolese Tiara Bangsa has undertaken significant efforts to improve their financial governance. These efforts include training for administrative staff, the utilization of state-of-the-art accounting software, and enhancing understanding of applicable accounting standards. Furthermore, the school has also revamped their financial reporting processes, encompassing the regular preparation of financial statements and strict budget monitoring. The improvement in the accounting and financial reporting system has aided SMK Kolese Tiara Bangsa in more effectively managing their finances, enhancing the accuracy of financial information, and increasing transparency and accountability. This study provides valuable insights into the importance of fostering and developing accounting systems in educational institutions, with the hope of setting an example for similar institutions aiming to improve their financial management.</em></p> Syahril Effendi Tukino Tukino Ronald Wangdra Yvonne Wangdra Baru Harahap Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 381 385 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8108 Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan: Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Di Indonesia <p><em>This research aims to analyze the impact of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and ownership structure on the financial performance of manufacturing companies in Indonesia. Financial performance is measured using various indicators such as profitability, liquidity, and leverage. The study is based on data from a number of manufacturing companies in Indonesia during the period 2020-2022. The results of the analysis indicate that institutional ownership has a significant positive impact on the financial performance of companies, suggesting that the presence of institutional shareholders can enhance efficiency and profitability. On the other hand, managerial ownership also contributes positively to financial performance, indicating that active management participation in share ownership can drive growth and profitability. However, the research findings show that the impact of ownership structure varies depending on the financial performance indicators considered. There are significant differences in the influence of ownership structure on profitability, liquidity, and leverage of the companies. This research provides valuable insights for stakeholders, regulators, and company owners in understanding the role of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and ownership structure in enhancing the financial performance of manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The practical implications of these findings can assist companies in making better decisions regarding share ownership and financial strategies.</em></p> Syahril Effendi Argo Putra Prima Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 386 392 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8109 Aplikasi Pembelajaran Kosa Kata Untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunarungu Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Fisher-Yates <p><em>Deafness is a type of special need that is of concern to the government in terms of equality in obtaining education as stated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 concerning National Education Chapter IV Article 5 paragraph (1) states that "Every citizen has the same right to obtain quality education" and paragraph (2) "Citizens who have physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and /or social rights to obtain special education”. The problem faced by deaf student is the difficulty of capturing the information conveyed by the teacher during the learning process. These limitations make it difficult for deaf children to master good and correct vocabulary. The aim of this research is to help student with special needs learn vocabulary through learning media.</em></p> <p><em>With this application, it is hoped that it can meet the vocabulary learning needs, especially for Deaf SMPLB students at </em>SLB Karya Mandiri Kijang<em>.</em></p> Aggry Saputra Zulfachmi Zulfachmi Agung Alviandi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 393 398 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8110 Pengaruh Persepsi, Pengetahuan Akuntansi Dan Skala Usaha Terhadap Penggunaan Informasi Akuntansi Pada Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of perception, accounting knowledge and business scale on the use of accounting information on micro, small and medium enterprises. The information gathering strategy is an overview survey of 100 respondents. The method used is a different examination and the type of exploration used in this study is a review technique. the results of the hypothesis test, the perception variable has a significant influence on the use of accounting information with a t count value of 2.422 &gt; t table 1.660, and Sig 0.017 &lt;0.05, accounting knowledge variable obtains a t count value of -0.085 &lt; t table 1.660, and Sig 0.573&gt; 0 .05, so it can be concluded that the accounting knowledge variable does not have a significant effect on the use of accounting information. The business scale variable obtained a t count value of 0.682 &lt;t table 1.660, and Sig 0.497 &gt; 0.05. So it can be concluded that the business scale variable has no significant influence on the use of accounting information. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, the calculated f value is 5.859 &gt; f table 2.699 and Sig 0.001 &lt;0.05. Therefore, it can be inferred that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, or, in other words, that the End Match independent variables simultaneously have a significant impact on the dependent variable</em>.</p> Asti Murni Dachi Mortigor Afrizal Purba Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 399 404 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8111 Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Dan Dana Perimbangan Terhadap Belanja Daerah Di Indonesia <p><em>This research aims to analyze and find out how much influence regional original income (PAD) and balancing funds have on regional expenditure in Indonesia. Research data comes from the Central Statistics Agency in 34 Provinces in Indonesia for the period 2018 - 2021 with 136 data. After data collection, there were several provinces in Indonesia whose data were incomplete so the data used was 100. The provinces with incomplete data were: Bengkulu, Bali, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, West Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Main Maluku and West Papua. Data analysis techniques use (1) Classic assumption tests, namely normality, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity and autocorrelation tests, (2) Multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test and coefficient of determination. The results of the research show that partially original regional income has no effect on regional spending in Indonesia, balancing funds have no effect on regional spending in Indonesia, and simultaneously original regional income and balancing funds have no effect on regional spending in Indonesia.</em></p> Sunarto Wage Syahril Effendi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 405 412 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8112 Overview Terhadap Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Pengembangan Pariwisata Di Kepulauan Anambas <p><em>This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of tourism development in the Anambas Islands to increase the number of tourist visits. The research method is descriptive qualitative, primary data sources are interviews and observations. Secondary resources are reviews of relevant literature and documentation from the Anambas Cultural Tourism Office. The data analysis technique is Triangulation. Factors influencing implementation can be seen from the theory developed by Van Metter and Van Horn, namely policy standards and targets, resources, communication, characteristics of implementing agents, and social, political, and economic conditions. The regulations governing Anambas Islands tourism are included in the National Tourism Destination (DPN) development plan through the 2010-2025 National Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPPARNAS), which is directed at tourism development which is difficult to achieve policy program targets, this is because in the regulations There are no Standard Operating Procedures available in tourism development itself, so that SOPs in regulations become one of the influential obstacles. Then, synergy between the government and the community is needed in implementing the tourism development of the Anambas Islands.</em></p> Etika Khairina Renita Kurnia Diki Zukriadi M. Andika Surya Lebang Padrisan Jamba Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 413 419 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8113 Tingkat Partisipasi Masyarakat Akan Kebijakan Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Di Kota Batam <p><em>The objective of this study is to assess the extent of community engagement in the execution of the Covid-19 vaccination strategy within Batam City. The administration of Covid-19 vaccines plays a pivotal role in surmounting a worldwide pandemic, with active engagement from the community serving as a significant determinant of the efficacy of a vaccination initiative. The present study employs a qualitative methodology for data collection. A survey utilizing a structured questionnaire will be administered to assess the degree of community engagement in the Covid-19 vaccination process. Furthermore, a comprehensive analysis will be undertaken through conducting in-depth interviews with a carefully selected group of respondents. This approach aims to acquire a more profound comprehension of the various factors that exert influence on their level of participation. The anticipated outcomes of this research endeavor aim to offer a comprehensive assessment of the extent of community engagement in the execution of the Covid-19 vaccination program within Batam City. The aforementioned findings will offer significant insights to authorities and healthcare providers, enabling them to formulate enhanced communication and outreach strategies aimed at augmenting public engagement in vaccination programs.</em></p> Denti Permatasari Timbul Dompak Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 420 428 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8114 Pelatihan Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan Menggunakan Aplikasi Excel Pada Umkm Usaha Dagang R3 Di Kota Batam <p><em>MSME is one type of business that really needs financial reports because it invites strategic elements in the structure of the national and regional economy but is a Trading Business Partner (UD) R3 as MSMEs do not yet have financial reports so they do not know the benefits that have the potential to not continue the business. The purpose of this service is to provide counseling about financial reports and procedures for making financial reports using the excel application. The expected output target is the ability of the R3 Trading Business (UD) to prepare financial reports that comply with standards. The output is aimed at partners being able to understand financial reports and being able to make standard and practical financial reports using the Excel application. The results of the dedication show that UD R3 has been able to make standard and practical financial reports using the excel application, has been able to understand the basics of financial reports and their benefits so that in the end partners are able to prepare their own financial reports for their business, can practice directly by inputting each transactions for sales or purchases with Directions from the service team, can recognize computer applications in the form of excel which have been formulated so that every UD R3 partner transaction only makes a journal and finally obtains the necessary financial reports, can understand financial reports produced in practice which have been directly guided by the service team.</em></p> Syarif Hidayah Lubis Ni Putu Winda Ayuningtyas Hardi Bahar Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 429 435 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8115 Efektifitas Digital Branding, Peningkatan Engagement Dan Promosi Terhadap Penjualan Produk UKM Melalui Media Sosial: Eksistensi UKM Kelurahan Batu Aji <p><em>Business ideas are affected not only by markets, companies and competitors, but also by changes. Everyone, even large companies, must recognise this. To maintain the "economic" aspect of society, various studies have been conducted to examine good alternative marketing strategies. This study focuses on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) because SMEs have become part of the creative economy. Therefore, the researcher encourages to examine which digital branding strategies are most widely implemented by SMEs. This study describes how to use strategies to increase engagement and patronage of products, how to make products recognised by the wider community through social media, and how to choose the most effective social media to market products, this study focuses on social media. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, namely library research through books, journals, and relevant websites. The results of this study show that brand strategy is very important for the development of SMEs and can be more easily implemented for SMEs through digital</em>.</p> David Humala Sitorus Arsyad Sumantika Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 436 441 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8116 Pengelolaan Layanan Sistem Kehadiran Kerja Dosen Berbasis ITIL Versi 3.0 <p>Quality is something that becomes a reference in assessing something. Good performance is always associated with good quality, so that good data and information management will have an impact on good performance in order to meet the desired quality. This research aims to apply the principles of the information technology service management framework based on ITIL version 3.0 into the context of managing the development of a lecturer attendance system service within the Faculty of Computers at Universal University. Through the service design domain, this research succeeded in developing recommendations for service system development in the aspects of service catalog management, capacity management, availability management, information technology service sustainability management, and information security management.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: Service management; lecturer performance; ITSM; ITIL version</p> Suryo Widiantoro Marfuah Marfuah Randi Randi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 442 447 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8117 Penerapan Metode Fuzzy Sugeno Untuk Menentukan Kelayakan Pengiriman Limbah Barang Berbahaya Dan Beracun <p><em>PT Semesta Citra Alam Batam is engaged in waste management and is located in the city of Batam. The waste collected by PT Semesta Citra Alam Batam is gathered at a waste collection warehouse located in the Industrial Waste Management Area of Batam City. The collected waste must be transported to waste utilization or hazardous waste disposal facilities. The data collection technique in this research is through observation and interviews conducted at PT Semesta Citra Alam Batam. The data analysis method used is fuzzy logic with the Sugeno method, which involves four stages: fuzzification, forming a fuzzy knowledge base, inference engine, and defuzzification. The research results from the application of fuzzy logic to determine the shipment of hazardous waste (B3 waste) at PT Semesta Citra Alam Batam involve both input and output variables. The input variables consist of load, content, and the output variable is a decision made using Matlab. These variables will generate rules that will be used to determine whether to send the waste or not.</em></p> Alfannisa Annurrallah Fajrin Tukino Tukino Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 448 457 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8118 Monitoring Penyiraman Aglonema Lulaiwan Otomatis Berbasis IoT Dengan Sensor Soil Moisture dan DHT11 Menggunakan Aplikasi Telegram <p>IoT-Based Automated Aglonema Lulaiwan Watering Monitoring With Soil Moisture and Dht11 Sensors Using the Telegram Application is designed to assist users in monitoring and watering plants. This study aims to inform the user that the plants lack water or not and in watering so as not to overwater. This study uses devices such as Base NodeMCU ESP8266, NodeMCU ESP8266, Sensor Soil Moisture, DHT11, Relay, Box 9V Battery, 9V Battery, LCD16x2 I2C, Mini Pump and telegram application, This Mini Pump works if the soil moisture is below 50%. This Aglonema plant watering system works automatically which uses a Soil Moisture sensor to measure soil moisture, DHT11 to check the temperature around the plant, The relay functions to turn off the Mini Pump, The Mini Pump works as a dispensing of water to the plants and the telegram application functions to provide notifications to check soil moisture and temperature around the plants. With this automatic watering system can help users determine soil moisture.</p> Zulfachmi Zulfachmi Aggry Saputra Juliadi Juliadi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 458 463 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8119 Implementasi Framework Laravel Dalam Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan UKM Kota Surakarta <p><em>Small bussiness in Surakarta still use conventional sales process transactions. The disadvantages of conventional transactions are the slow transaction process and long report generation. The aim of this research is to build a complete sales information system, to provide product information, transactions and report accuracy. This makes it easier for their business. The method implemented to build this system is the Waterfall method. The results of this research are in the form of a website-based sales information system. The system has been tested using the black box testing method and resulted in the system running well and according to its function.</em></p> Yuli Siyamto Joko Triyanto Muhammad Rafi Alwatoni Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 464 466 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8120 Pelayanan Pemerintah Berbasis Konsep Smart City Studi Kasus : Pelayanan Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta berbasis Smart Environment <p><em>The smart environmental policy of the city of Yogyakarta as one aspect of the smart city is the focus of research. Apart from that, how the government can implement green waste as an aspect of the smart environment and use qualitative descriptive research methods. The research results reveal that the Yogyakarta City Government in running its government and serving its people is in accordance with the indicators of the smart environment concept. This means that the government's efforts to implement the program have been successful and comprehensive. The program covers 3 aspects of smart environmental indicators, namely green planning and green design, green open space and green waste. For the waste management program, the Yogyakarta city government is considered successful in reducing waste and managing its waste, this is proven by the innovation of the Waste Bank as a solution to the large amount of waste in the city. from Yogyakarta. However, of course the implementation of smart city in the city of Yogyakarta must also continue to develop and be sustainable so that the performance of the Yogyakarta city government must be improved and the active participation of the people of Jogjakarta to create a new innovation to be able to realize a smart city that fulfills all aspects other than the smart environment aspect.</em></p> Lubna Salsabila Sahat Sianturi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 467 478 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8121 Penyusunan Portofolio Saham Lindung Nilai Berdasarkan Principal Component Analysis Pada Indeks LQ45 Indonesi <p><em>Stock investment carries significant risks, making hedging strategies essential. Research on hedging in the Indonesian stock index is limited. This study aims to construct a hedging portfolio using a linear combination of principal components to create orthogonal components for stocks in the LQ45 index. A 5-year time series dataset from 2018 to 2022 is employed. Analysis reveals four principal components explaining 84% of the total data variance, with a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of 90%. This indicates successful separation of stocks with different cumulative return patterns, return profiles, and risks. ANOVA statistical tests confirm significant differences between stock groups at a 95% confidence level. The portfolio built from these four components provides excellent hedging, as indicated by a high Sharpe Ratio. Even stocks with negative returns are offset by those with positive returns within the portfolio. Backtesting and forward testing demonstrate that this portfolio outperforms the combined stock index. This research reinforces that a PCA-based hedging approach with generated principal components can mitigate risk and enhance investment returns in volatile market conditions.</em></p> Ronald Wangdra Syahril Effendi Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 479 485 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8122 Simulasi Setting WLC berdasarkan kebijakan VLAN pada Client yang terhubung ke AP di Gedung Gamma (Administrasi) Sekolah Vokasi IPB <p><em>IPB University Vocational School has several buildings including the Gamma Building as an administrative center. In the Gamma Building several access points were installed to support administrative activities. The gamma building consists of 4 floors where each floor has different needs. The 1st floor is for student administration activities, the 2nd floor is for financial administration, data and leadership rooms, the 3rd floor is lecturer meeting rooms and leadership rooms and the 4th floor is lecturer meeting rooms and lecturer rooms. Management is required to set the AP point configuration based on the SSID, so WLC is used to set the SSID based on the VLAN created. The methods used in making this simulation are observation, design and testing. Observations were carried out to see the need for access points in the gamma building and what SSIDs would be created, including VLAN 10 SSID for leadership, VLAN 20 SSID for lecturers, VLAN 30 SSID for students, VLAN 40 SSID for staff and VLAN 50 SSID for guests. Design is the process of making a network topology in a Cisco packet tracer simulation based on observations. Tests are carried out whether the SSID is obtained by each client based on a certain VLAN. Obtained from the results of SSID testing on each floor based on the provisions where on the 1st floor all SSID, on the 2nd floor Leaders, Lecturers and staff, on the 3rd floor Leaders, lecturers and guests and on the 4th floor leaders and lecturers. Each client gets its SSID based on the VLAN that is set.</em></p> Aep Setiawan Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 486 491 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8123 Penerapan Logika Fuzzy Metode Sugeno dalam Penentuan Harga Jual Tas Pria Branded <p><em>In today’s development, one of the things that is vast in demand is fashion, one of the fashion is a bag. From various groups, such as the lower class, middle class or upper class, men or women of all ages often use bags. The function of the bag itself is to place items and even support one’s appearance. CV Osric Sebastian is one of the few fashion bag distributors located in Batam, which started its bussiness in selling fashion bags since 2010. With the increasing need for the bags, there has been a lot of competition among bag distributors that competing with each other. Market competition among entrepreneurs will arise if the types of products produced and sold have similar types of models. The fashion bag industry itself must be able to sell products that compete in the market. One of the serious decisions that must be taken in making a sale is determining the value of the sale price of a product. The intend of this research was to determine the value of selling price of fashion bags at CV Osric Sebastian using the Sugeno fuzzy logic method. The final result of this research will be in the form of output selling price value of a fashion bag for the company based on the rules that have been made in the MATLAB program. From the results of fuzzy logic testing on the determination of the selling price of fashion bags on the system that was made can facilitate the company in making decisions to determine the value of the selling price of fashion bags at CV Osric Sebastian.</em></p> Zakrimal Zakrimal Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 492 497 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8124 Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Dalam Penyebaran Data Pribadi: Tinjauan Hukum Pidana Saat Ini <p><em>In an increasingly digital era, the issue of theft and dissemination of personal data has become a profound global concern. This research focuses on criminal liability in the dissemination of personal data, with the aim of reviewing and analyzing the current criminal legal framework in addressing violations related to personal data. The research employs a normative juridical method, referencing various legislations, court decisions, and relevant legal literature. We also analyze recent changes and developments in criminal law concerning the dissemination of personal data. The results of this research depict the complexity of regulations related to handling cases of personal data dissemination. Factors such as the type of data involved, the intent of the perpetrator, and the impact on affected individuals are crucial considerations in determining the level of criminal liability. The research also discusses potential criminal sanctions that may be imposed on perpetrators of personal data breaches, including fines and imprisonment. Additionally, we identify challenges in enforcing laws related to personal data and provide insights into potential improvement efforts. This research provides valuable insights into how current criminal law addresses the issue of personal data dissemination and promotes better protection for individuals in an ever-evolving digital era</em>.</p> Padrisan Jamba Irene Svinarky Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 498 506 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8125 Konseptualisasi Green Marketing:Pendekatan Pemasaran Dalam Upaya Mempertahankan Loyalitas Pada Klinik Navaagreen Tiban Kota Batam <p>This research aims to examine the emergence of the back to nature movement which influences the lifestyle of millennial people who prefer environmentally friendly products in skincare products that are based on green products even though they are more expensive. Products that still use containers or raw materials that are not environmentally friendly are no longer a top priority. The next phenomenon is the increasing awareness of having healthy skin, which is a unique form of consumer behavior, especially experienced by women. The increasing trend in beauty care has also encouraged the growth of beauty products that do not have official permission from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). Indirectly, this will reduce the level of consumer use of beauty products in the long term. This research contextually includes four supporting dimensions which provide the foundation for the existence of green marketing-based skincare products, namely green product, green price, green place and green promotion. This research uses a quantitative survey method with samples taken from 100 users of Naavagreen beauty clinic services. This research is a quantitative descriptive research where the data analysis process uses linear regression analysis between construct variables. The results of the research are that variables X1, X2 and X3 have a positive and significant effect, while variable X4 has a negative and insignificant effect. Meanwhile, simultaneously the variables in this research have a positive and significant effect.</p> Triana Ananda Rustam Inda Sukati Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 507 512 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8126 Optimalisasi Proses Administrasi Layanan Asuransi Oleh PT Jasa Raharja Kota Batam <p>The of this research emphasis is to assist researchers in understanding the problem under study using the indicator Optimization of the Insurance Service Administration Process by Pt Jasa Raharja Batam City optimization of the insurance service administration process by PT Jasa Raharja Batam City. According to Articles 1 to 24 of Law/22 of 2009 a traffic accident is an unexpected and unintentional incident on the highway involving two or more vehicles colliding with each other or vehicles with no other road users, where the risks of accidents include minor injuries, serious injuries, death, and only experiencing property loss experienced by one or even both victims. Qualitative research methodology was applied in this study. To describe facts and information in the field, such as social activities, attitudes, events, and beliefs that have occurred or have not occurred at the research site, qualitative research methods are used. Optimization of Insurance Service Administration Process by PT Jasa Raharja Batam City PT Jasa Raharja Batam City cooperates with the police and district/city regional governments in order to improve services for the general public who own motorized vehicles and utilize other road facilities. 33 of 1964 concerning obligatory fees and donations to be collected and collected and then redistributed to people who have had accidents, as insurance for raharja services. Jasa raharja insurance is the protection and guarantee of the state to its people who have an accident, while the object is humans and this insurance provides guarantees against losses caused by accidents.</p> Betty Krisdayanti S Sihombing Timbul Dompak Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 513 520 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8127 Implementasi IoT Pada Sistem Pembayaran di Koperasi Sekolah <p>Information technology has been widely adopted by numerous educational institutions, both formal and informal, based on religion or non-religious, The urgency of innovative technologi which appliable to school business processes are rising rapidly &nbsp;within enormous applicable internet of Things available. The research methodology in this research conducted comprehensively. Researcher will used the technolgu of Microcontroller Esp32 to help the implementation of payment in one of the department of the research object. Developing the system within the school system will need very trmendous effort to justify the system accepted by all the stakeholder. Researcher using the srum methods in software development and using the esp32 microcontroller as the thechologu to merged within, researcher hope the capablity of Background Subtraction Algorithm on ESP32, it is elucidated that the background subtraction algorithm can be implemented on the ESP32 device. This device possesses the capability to process image frames measuring 80 x 60 pixels a total of 10,000 times within a temporal span of 2,000 milliseconds (at an approximate rate of ±5,000 frames per secondThe result of this research supposedly achieve the implementation of the microcontroller technology to provide the solution in school business unit payment processes. All the visitor to the business unit are detected with the RFID card using the microcontroller to automate the identification and enabling better transaction process flow.</p> Muhammad Taufik Saut Pintubipar Saragih Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 521 526 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8128 Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Kinerja Karyawan Di PT Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret) Batam <p><em>In this era of globalization, competition in the business world is getting tighter, so companies must have the ability to maintain the life and performance of the company. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of leadership style, compensation, and organizational culture on job satisfaction to improve employee performance. This research was conducted at PT Indomarco Prismatama (indomaret) Batam, the respondents used as many as 146 employees, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that leadership style, compensation, and organizational culture have a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction in improving employee performance. The influence of the leadership style on job satisfaction is positive and significant, the effect of compensation on job satisfaction is positive and significant, the influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction is positive and significant; and the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance is positive and significant.</em></p> Mauli Siagian Wasiman Wasiman Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 527 538 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8129 Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Pada PT Asia Paramita Indah Batam <p><em>Increasing economic growth, is expected to be directed to increase public incomes and fulfill daily needs. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Variable service quality (X1) price (X2), and promotion (X3) on purchasing decisions In PT Asia Paramita Indah Batam (Y). In this study, the sampling process is done by using non probability sampling which is a sampling technique that does not provide equal opportunities to be selected into the sample, for this sampling of this author using saturated sampling method. Based on the above sampling technique using saturated sampling technique from the total population of 135 people, then taken as sample is 135 people. Data were collected using questionnaires measured by Likert scale. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 20.0 program. The results of this study indicate that the variable quality of service (X1) price (X2), and promotion (X3) simultaneously affect the purchase decision In PT Asia Paramita Indah Batam. Variable quality of service (X1) price (X2), and promotion (X3) partially influence partially on purchasing decision In PT Asia Paramita Indah Batam</em>.</p> Realize Realize Sudjono Sudjono Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 539 550 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8130 Pemanfaatan Media Relations PT Universal Karya Mandiri Dalam Meningkatkan Citra Perusahaan <p><em>The purpose of this research is to find out how PT Universal Karya Mandiri utilizes its media relations to improve the company's image. In the digital era, media relations have evolved with the existence of social media, online platforms, and faster access to information. This research method is skinative with the research data source is secondary data sources. Data collection through observation and documentation, the results showed that several forms of media utilization carried out by PT Universal Karya Mandiri were press ghathering, press lunch and entertain, sponsorship, and annual events.&nbsp;&nbsp; So that PT Universal Karya Mandiri can improve the company's good image.</em></p> Aisyiah Indah Permata Sholihul Abidin Renita Kurnia Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 551 556 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8131 Pembelajaran Sains Melalui Mini Praktikum untuk Anak Usia Dini dan Usia Sekolah di Rumah Pintar Kreatif Ampang, Kelurahan Ampang, Sumatera Barat <p><em>Science has an important role in improving the quality of human life and has significant positive effects on the development of children’s personality and potential. However, many people believe that science is a challenging field of study. Therefore, it is important to introduce science to children at a young age in an entertaining way. This community service activity aims to introduce science to early childhood and increase children's abilities and interest in science. The target of this activity is children from middle-class to lower-class families that live in the area of the&nbsp; Rumah Pintar Mingguan (RPM) Kreatif Ampang. Five RPM volunteers and 31 children participated in this activity. This PKM activity was carried out through a simple science mini-practicum, by utilizing simple and inexpesive materials and tools that can be found easily in the surrounding environment. The main ingredients were baking soda and vinegar (acetic acid). The method used in this activity were a case study and hands-on practice. Two topics that are carried out on this practicum, namely the phenomenon of an erupting Merapi volcano and inflating a balloon without being blown up. This practice has the effect of increasing children's interest in and motivation for science, which is directly correlated with their increased comprehension of the concepts being demonstrated. Additionally, RPM decided to make this science practicum activity as a regular agenda item for the RPM community.</em></p> Fatridha Yansen Eldya Mossfika Linda Elfia Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 557 561 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8132 Pelatihan Membangun Keunggulan Bersaing UMKM Melalui Pemasaran Online Di Kota Batam <p><em>The implementation of community service activities will take the form of Empowerment of E-Commerce-Based Marketing located at Rindang Garden Block B2 No. 04, Buliang Village, Batu Aji District, Batam. Based on the field interview results, the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (UMKM) Rafflesia face challenges in marketing their products. In general, UMKM businesses have limitations in mastering information technology facilities and marketing media that are not well-known to the public. Conventional business owners feel that accounting recording is a cumbersome task. The training method used is to provide training through an online website. The methods used in the development of UMKM Rafflesia include survey methods, lecture methods, discussion methods, and training methods. The sustainability of the results of this coaching activity is expected to enable UMKM Rafflesia to manage online marketing effectively.</em></p> Tukino Tukino Erlin Elisa Algifanri Maulana Yvonne Wangdra Ronald Wangdra Suvianto Wangdra Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 562 568 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8133 Analisis Beban Kerja Pekerja Wanita di Industri Manufaktur Kota Batam <p>The manufacturing industry in Batam City is increasingly developing with the supporting factor being the availability of both female and male workers. The role of female workers in the Batam City manufacturing industry is quite significant, because female workers are chosen because of their thoroughness and discipline. The impact of this reason is that female workers have no restrictions and control over workload for female workers. This research aims to analyze the workload of female workers in the Batam City manufacturing industry. This research was conducted using descriptive analysis methods. The population of this research is female manufacturing industry workers in Batam City. Based on the results, it is known that the average pulse rate before work is 81.53, while after work it is 104.82. This shows an increase in heart rate after work, which indicates a significant increase in physical activity. This also shows that female workers in the manufacturing industry experience an increase in physical workload during work. Based on these data, it can be concluded that female workers in the manufacturing industry experience quite a high mental workload. The mental workload dimensions including MD, PD, TD, OP, EF, and FR show an average number above 70, which indicates a significant level of mental workload. Based on this research, it can provide implications for policy formulation regarding the management of female workers in the manufacturing industry in Batam City in particular and in Indonesia in general.</p> Nofriani Fajrah Sri Zetli Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 569 573 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8134 Pelatihan Peningkatan Usaha Pedagang Asongan Di Perumahan Buana Impian Kota Batam <p><em>This activity aims to enhance the businesses of street vendors in Buana Impian Housing Complex 1 &amp; 2, particularly those selling various goods. Initially, Buana 1 &amp; 2 had a single RW 014, but in 2016, Buana Impian 2 became RW 028. Along the streets of Buana Impian Housing Complex 1 &amp; 2, there are shops and a total of 53 street vendors. As part of this Community Service Program (PKM), the street vendors will receive training and guidance through lectures and discussions addressing the challenges faced by street vendors in Buana Impian Housing Complex 1 &amp; 2. The educational and training materials will cover business management and entrepreneurship, accounting training for income and expenses, strategies for promoting businesses, and access to funding opportunities for street vendors. By participating in this training and education program, it is expected that the businesses of the street vendors will thrive and flourish</em>.</p> Arif Rahman Hakim Narti Eka Putria Nurul Azwanti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Prosiding 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 5 574 580 10.33884/psnistek.v5i.8144