JURNAL REKAYASA SISTEM INDUSTRI 2024-05-31T16:47:31+00:00 Citra Indah Asmarawati, S.T., M.T. Open Journal Systems <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms';"><strong>Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri</strong> merupakan sarana publikasi bagi para akademisi dan praktisi yang membidangi keilmuan bidang Teknik Industri, Mesin dan Manufaktur. Jurnal ini tidak menutup peluang bagi praktisi maupun akademisi yang membidangi bidang lain khususnya dibidang teknik <em>(engineering)</em> untuk dapat berpartisipasi mempublikasikan hasil karyanya demi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri (JRSI) terbit sebanyak dua kali dalam satu tahun (Mei dan November) dan telah terdaftar di Lembaga Ilmu Pengatahuan Indonesia melalui ISSN:&nbsp;<a href=""> 2621-1262</a> (versi online) <a href="">2477-2089 </a>(cetak/print).</span></p> </div> STRATEGI KEUNGGULAN KOMPETITIF INDUSTRI KREATIF OLAHAN HASIL LAUT DENGAN PENDEKATAN METODE SOAR DAN QSPM 2024-05-10T07:45:31+00:00 Narto Narto Mohammad Ismail Gatot Basuki Harimukti <p>The seafood of the north coast of East Java has a variety of commodities, along with the growing creative industry is able to support the economy of coastal communities. The obstacles faced by creative industry players are supply chains that are not well integrated, lack of sustainable product development and innovation. The research aims to explore the internal and external factors owned by creative industry players on the north coast of East Java, coastal industry players have a major role in supporting the economic sustainability of coastal communities and developing alternative strategies for processed seafood creative industries that have a competitive advantage. Mapping of internal factors is obtained through the IFAS matrix with a score of 3.1909 while the EFAS matrix score value is 2.8712. The preparation of alternative strategies using SOAR analysis obtained 5 alternative strategies and through the QSPM matrix obtained the greatest strategic weight, namely optimising the management of biological resources to improve the national economy through the number of exports of marine and fishery products. To realise this strategy, sustainable steps are needed by improving the supply chain starting from providing subsidised fuel oil for fishermen to reduce operational costs, downstreaming the seafood processing industry, product innovation tailored to each export destination country.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PENENTUAN STOCK BAHAN BAKU GUNA MEMINIMALISIR BIAYA PENYIMPANAN DAN MENGURANGI KERUSAKAN PADA CV SARANA MITRA SUKSES 2024-05-08T11:06:57+00:00 Dheni Rahmat Putra Wiwin Widiasih <p class="ADICAbstractLeft127cmRight127cm1"><em><span lang="IN" style="font-size: 9.0pt;">This research is aimed at finding out the amount of security stock, estimated total cost of inventory, optimal ordering, and reorder point. This study uses quantitative methods and aims to provide proposals for inventory control using continuous review systems and forecast analysis, as well as to determine the root cause of the occurrence of damage to raw materials on CV. Sarana Mitra Sukses is located in Karangnongko, Sukodono, Sidoarjo. In order to obtain the cost of providing glass 102x137 (2 mm), we experienced savings of Rp 18.105.803 with 12 sheet safety stock and re-purchase of raw materials when the raw material remains 55 sheets. For the costs of supplying glass 122x86 (2 mm), we experienced a saving of Rp 17.796.105 with 13 sheet safety stock and re-purchase when the raw material remains 57 sheets. For the supply of glass 122×102 (2 mm), we suffered savings in the amount of Rp 14.265.057 with a safety stock of 15 sheet safety stock and re-purchase when the raw material remains 67 sheets. For the supply cost of glass 88x147 (2 mm), we experienced a reduction in the size of Rp 21.599.803 in the safety stock of 19 sheet safety stock and re-purchase when the raw material remains 87 sheets. For 244x183 (3mm) glass storage costs, there are savings of Rs. 26.150.792 with 13 sheet safety stock and re-purchase when the raw material remains 58 sheets. And for the 305x214 (5mm) glass storage cost, there is a savings amounting to Rs. 20.017.022 with 3 sheet safety stock and re-purchase when the raw material remains 13 sheets. It can be seen that the total cost of inventory using the Continuous Review System method is considered more economical and can also have safety stock reorder point.</span></em></p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PERENCANAAN DAN PENGENDALIAN PERSEDIAAN BAHAN BAKU OPAK DENGAN PENDEKATAN MRP (MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING) 2024-05-08T11:14:20+00:00 Zul Hamly Yahya Koto Zaharuddin Zaharuddin Uun Novalia Harahap <p>UMKM Eka Jaya Opak is a business unit in the food industry that utilizes cassava as its main raw material. Its products have been marketed in several cities in Sumatra and Java. However, the company faces challenges in ordering raw materials and inadequate inventory, forcing them to purchase similar products from nearby businesses. This study aims to plan and control raw material inventory and determine the appropriate ordering period. The Exponential Smoothing method is used for forecasting and yields results with MAD = 3073.1, MSE = 13448930, and MAPE = 8.90%. The forecasting results are then analyzed using Material Requirement Planning (MRP) methods with LFL, EOQ, and POQ techniques to find optimal orders with minimum costs. The POQ technique is selected with a total cost of Rp. 2,543,898,000, which is better than Lot For Lot (Rp. 2,548,488,000) and Economic Order Quantity (Rp. 3,059,174,393). Therefore, the MRP method with the POQ technique is chosen for planning and controlling raw material inventory at UMKM Eka Jaya Opak</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PERENCANAAN PENJADWALAN PRODUKSI UNTUK MEMINIMALISIR KETERLAMBATAN PEMESANAN PADA PT XYZ 2024-05-08T11:48:37+00:00 Dia Ardiana Pitaloka Wiwin Widiasih <p>PT XYZ is a company operating in the furniture sector which produces tables, chairs and cupboards. This company's ordering system is make to order, both export and local. The production process at this company consists of 7 production process flows including the CPP process, wood process, assembly, sanding, painting, checking, packing. The production process takes place using 20 different types of machines. The problem faced by the company is delays in fulfilling orders that do not comply with the deadline provisions. This problem is caused by inefficient production scheduling, therefore researchers analyze production scheduling using the Campbell Dudeck Smith, Palmer and Dannenbring methods and analyze the costs. However, before scheduling machines, it is necessary to test data uniformity, adequacy, normal time and standard time. The aim of these three methods is to find the minimum makespan value. From the results of these calculations, the minimum Makespan value obtained from the CDS and Dannenbring methods is 813.33 hours in the order GFABCED, GFACBED, GFACEBD, GFBCAED, GFCABED, GFCBAED. If you use the company's calculation method, the makespan value is 1026 hours with details of 840 working hours and 186 overtime hours. The CDS and Dannenbring methods in the order GFABCED, GFACBED, GFACEBD, GFBCAED, GFCABED, GFCBAED require labor costs of Rp. 141,520,058, whereas if you use the company method the labor costs are Rp. 150,253,734 required. If compared, the savings cost is IDR 8,733,676 per worker.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ANALISIS MUTU PRODUK ROTI MAROS SANGGALEA GROUP MENGGUNAKAN METODE QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT 2024-05-04T04:30:35+00:00 Yan Herdianzah Husni Mubaraq Muhammad Nusran Arfandi Ahmad Nur Ihwan Safutra Asrul Fole <p>Bread is a processed food made from wheat flour which is considered practical and filling. Roti Maros Sanggalea Group, Roti Maros Sanggalea Group is a trading business with processed products in the form of wet bread. The type of moist bread that is the flagship of Roti Maros Sanggalea Group is Maros bread. However, there has been a decline in demand for Maros bread over the past year. This decline can be seen in Maros bread production for the period January to March 2023. The decline in sales each month requires producers to develop their products well so they can always compete in the market. Therefore, this research aims to provide suggestions for attributes that consumers prioritize for Maros Sanggalea Group Roti products using the QFD (Quality Function Deployment)&nbsp; method to improve the quality of Maros bakery products by identifying consumer needs and linking them to improvements in production techniques. The research results show that based on the priority level, the proposed improvement is by completing information about the product on the packaging, as well as adding a halal logo to the packaging, the price given to consumers must be in accordance with the quality of the product both in terms of ingredients and taste. Make the products being marketed easy for consumers to remember, for example uniquely designed packaging or distinctive flavors.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MENGUKUR POTENSI UMKM KERUPUK MELALUI PENDEKATAN TEKNO-EKONOMI UNTUK PERTUMBUHAN BISNIS BERKELANJUTAN 2024-05-03T07:12:59+00:00 Ana Komari Lolyka Dewi Indrasari Afiff Yudha Tripariyanto Djohan Djayadi Faisal Mustofa <p><em>The dynamic competitiveness requires White Cracker MSMEs in Kediri to evaluate their Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period, and Profitability Index.</em> <em>The assessment carried out at this level is to produce value standardization for the progress of these MSMEs. </em><em>The findings show that the NPV exceeds Rp. 143,316,000, the IRR is above 50%, the PBP is less than 7 months 9 days, and the PI is greater than 1.00. This indicates that the white cracker MSME business has strong development potential and offers profitable returns for the owners.</em> <em>The profit potential is good for the white cracker MSME business. However, the quality of products with good taste and in accordance with consumer needs is important to build customer loyalty. Strength Strategy – Opportunity to use Unique Products-Digital innovation marketing components, Kediri original product market potential-Products that are attractive to tourists visiting Kediri and the latest taste tests for consumers-Different taste innovations from 1 product. Strict product development and quality control are carried out in order to always be of high quality and meet consumer expectations.</em></p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PERENCANAAN JALUR EVAKUASI KEBAKARAN YANG EFISIEN UNTUK FASILITAS PERAWATAN RUMAH SAKIT DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA DIJKSTRA 2024-05-10T07:28:18+00:00 Nur Ihwan Safutra Asrul Fole Alam Gunawan Muhammad Fachry Hafid Arfandi Ahmad Yan Herdianzah <p>This study aims to design fire evacuation routes using the Dijkstra Algorithm at RSUD I Lagaligo in East Luwu Regency, as part of the building renovation to improve service quality. The Dijkstra Algorithm was chosen for its ability to determine the shortest path from one point to another in a graph. This research employs systematic and logical data analysis techniques to obtain the closest evacuation routes. The results show a significant decrease in evacuation distance after the implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm, enhancing travel efficiency while maintaining consistent gathering points, except for some routes that experience changes in gathering points.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PENERAPAN METODE TAGUCHI UNTUK PERBAIKAN KUALITAS PENGEMASAN TEPUNG TAPIOKA DI PT. FLORINDO MAKMUR 2023-11-27T11:25:16+00:00 M Miftahul Khoiri Uun Novalia Harahap Zaharuddin Zaharuddin <p><em>Improving the quality of a product is the most essential thing for a company to continue to exist in the business world and as an important factor affecting the level of development and progress of the company. This research was conducted to identify the causes of defects in tapioca flour packaging at PT. Florindo is prosperous so that it can reduce the amount of damage and provide suggestions for improvements to the tapioca flour packaging containing 500 grams. The data used are primary data and secondary data by conducting experiments using the taguchi method. The dependent variable used is the improvement in the quality of tapioca flour weighing 500 grams with the independent variables namely the lack of workers (HR), speed of filling flour and temperature heater.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed that the speed of filling flour as a factor that significantly influences the quality of tapioca flour packaging with a contribution percentage of 67.3% so that the right settings and models for tapioca flour packaging so that quality packaging according to specifications is produced is the human resource factor. 3 workers, the flour filling speed factor is slowed down to 2.7 seconds/pcs and the Temperature Heater factor is 150 ℃.</em></p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024