Kepuasan Pelanggan, Kualitas Layanan, Loyalitas PelangganAbstract
This research aims to investigate the influence of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer
loyalty at JNT Express Batam branch. The population to be studied are customers who have used the JNT
Express goods delivery service at the Tanjung Piayu branch in August 2023, totaling 60,203 customers. The
sampling technique can be used using the Slovin formula which has produced 397 respondents. The data
analysis process uses a multiple linear regression approach, which includes testing data quality tests,
classical assumption tests, influence tests and hypothesis tests. The results of multiple linear regression
analysis show that service quality has an influence of 28.4% on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction has
an influence of 35.0% on customer loyalty. Findings from the coefficient of determination (R2
) show that
overall, service quality and customer satisfaction can explain 65.1% of the variation in customer loyalty. In
addition, the t test and F test show that both service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive and
significant influence partially or simultaneously on customer loyalty at JNT Express Batam branch
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