The Effect of Financial Literacy, E-Money Use and Self-Control on the Consumptive Behavior of Accounting Students in Batam City


  • November Twenty Light Mahasiswa
  • Poniman



Financial Literacy, E-Money Usage, Self-Control, Consumptive Behavior


Consumptive behavior is the act of consuming an item or service excessively with high intensity that tends to
prioritize wants over needs. The study aims to determine the effect of financial literacy, e-money usage, and selfcontrol on the consumptive behavior of accounting students in Batam city. The total population was 1,354
accounting students with a sample of 93 accounting students. This study uses a quantitative approach with simple
random sampling technique using primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires online using google
form. The data in this study were processed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software version
26. The data analysis technique in this study used validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test and
hypothesis testing. The results of the t test research explain that financial literacy and the use of e-money partially
have no effect on the consumptive behavior of accounting students. Self-control partially affects the consumptive
behavior of accounting students. The results of the F test research explain that financial literacy, e-money usage,
self-control simultaneously have a significant effect on the consumptive behavior of accounting students with a
percentage of 17.9% and the remaining 82.1% is influenced by other variables.


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