Citra Merek, Kepercayaan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Nilai PelangganAbstract
This research seeks to explore the influence of brand image, trust and customer value on customer
satisfaction of Gojek users in Batam City. This research is an associative type with a quantitative approach.
Focus on the Gojek consumer population in Batam City, with a total of 6,180 customers. The sampling
technique chosen was based on the Slovin formula, producing 376 respondents. By using a multiple linear
regression approach, the data analysis process includes various tests, such as data quality tests, classical
assumption tests, influence tests, and hypothesis tests. The results of multiple linear regression analysis
have been able to show that brand image has an influence of 23.7% on customer satisfaction. Trust shows
an influence of 27.9% on customer satisfaction. Customer value can have a big influence of 28.3% on
customer satisfaction. The test results contained in the analysis of the coefficient of determination (R2
underline the collective explanatory power of brand image, trust and customer value, which accounted for
70.7% of the observed variation in customer satisfaction of Gojek users in Batam City. Apart from that, the
findings are also strengthened by using the t test and F test showing that brand image, trust and overall
customer value have a positive and significant influence both partially and simultaneously on customer
satisfaction of Gojek users in Batam City
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