Kata Kunci:
Cultural Communication, Public PerceptionAbstrak
The Karo culture has many customs, one of which is custom built and is a unique custom in Karo culture. Adat rebuilds a place of direct communication between several places, one of which is between daughter-in-law and in-laws. Communication is very necessary for the means to deliver the intent and purpose so that human conversation can be done well. Communication between people as social communication or community communication is only because people who communicate with the community. Cultural ways of life that develop and belong to groups of people and are passed down from generation to generation. Cultures develop from many uncomplicated ones, including religious and political systems, customs, languages, tools, clothing, buildings, and works of art. Intercultural communication in communication between people of different cultures between people who have different beliefs, values, or ways of behaving in a culture.This study aims to analyze community perceptions on the meaning of customs that were rebuilt in the Protestant Batak Karo Church, Bida Ayu Tanjung Piayu Batam. The report of this thesis will also examine the meaning of adat isitiadat rebuilt in the lives of important Karo people in the interaction of the community of Ptotestan Batak Karo Church, Tanjung Piayu Batam. At the end of the thesis, we will discuss how to use customary communication in the current era.