Kata Kunci:
Communication Strategy; Identity Existence; Intercultural CommunicationAbstrak
Paguyuban Kepodang Mas, better known as a community group, that gathers based on the same ethnicity,
namely Javanese ethnicity, is a community that was founded on April 25, 2010, based on ideas and
agreements from people from Banyumas, Purbalingga, and surrounding areas who live and settle in Batam
city. Paguyuban Kepodang Mas has two community goals, the first is to strengthen the ties of brotherhood
among Purbalingga residents who live in the same area, in this study is Batam City and the second is to
create and maintain unity and unity in-order-to create a more intimate sense of brotherhood. thorough. The
purpose of this study was to find out how the intercultural communication strategy in the existence of the
identity of the immigrants in Batam City in the Kepodang Mas Community took place. This study uses a
descriptive qualitative research method with the technique of observation, in-depth interviews, and
documentation. The result of this research is that the communication strategy carried out by the Kepodang
Mas Community is considered successful because it gets the attention of the public in carrying out its
activities. There are four forms of communication strategies carried out by the Kepodang Mas Community,
namely: (1) Indirect communication through social media Facebook, Whatsapp, and Youtube; (2)
Interpersonal communication for fellow members through monthly meeting, lottery club, and visitting each
member’s home; and (3) Public communication through art performances, annual gathering, and
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