Bahasa Indonesia


  • Ahmad Yudhi Ismawan Msi
  • Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

Motivasi, Kedisiplinan, Kepuasan Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan


This research aimsto analyze if there is any infIuence from motivation, discipline, and job satisfaction towards the employee performanceof PT Indoland Batam which engages in theonline shop. The phenomnon of the employee performance level for PT IndolandBatam reflects the employee performance has not beenmaximized. This researrch uses three indepnedent variables which are motivation variable, discipIine variable, and job satisfaction variable. The technnique used in collecting data used in thisresearch is the distributionfquestionnaire using saturation samplingmethod, whereby the populationandsample used in this research are allemployees who have worksfor PT Indoland Batam with population amounting to103 peoples. This research uses technical data analysismethods sucas validity est, reliability test, classic asumption test, multiple linear regresion analysis,determination coefficient test, and hypothesistest. The result of this research show thatmotivation variable does have positive influence andis significant towards the employee performance,discipline variable does have positiveinfluence and is significant towards the employee performance, so is the job satisfaction variable does have positiveinfluence and is significant towards the employee performance.Furthermore,motivation, discipline, and job satisfaction variable simultaneously doeshave positive influence and is significant towads the employee performance of PT Indoland Batam.Variables in thisresearch have aninfluence od 31,8% towards the employeeperformance. The rest 68,2% are influeced by other variables comingfrom outside ofthisresearch.


