Efektivitas Inovasi Pelayanan Transportasi Trans Batam Berbasis E-Government oleh Dinas Perhubungan Kota Batam
https://doi.org/10.33884/scientiajournal.v5i5.7567Kata Kunci:
E-Government, Public Service Innovation, Trans BatamAbstrak
A series of efforts have been implemented by the Batam City Transportation Service in
providing a number of conveniences to people who use Trans Batam Bus services, one of
which is creating the Trans Batam Passenger Information System (SIP TB) application.
This innovation answers the demands of the Batam City Government, in improving public
services, in this case applications, where local government applications are expected to
become e-government media as a means of interaction between the government and the
public as well as facilitating electronic services. However, there are still deficiencies in this
application where the SIP TB application has not been able to fully track the whereabouts
of the Trans Batam buses because a number of buses still do not have GPS installed. This
study aims to analyze the effectiveness of E-Government-based Trans Batam
transportation service innovations by the Batam City Transportation Service and to analyze
the factors that influence the effectiveness of E-Government-based Trans Batam
transportation service innovations by the Batam City Transportation Service. This study
uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The results showed that the
effectiveness of e-government-based Trans Batam transportation service innovations by
the Batam City Transportation Service had been good
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