Pengaruh Daya Tarik Iklan Melalui Instagram Dan Minat Beli Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Luar Garis Coffee
This research or observation have main goal to known the influece of interest buying and interest advertising that to purchase decision on Luar Garis Coffee. The location for the object reserch is in Batam, it is Luar Garis Coffee. The population in this observation is the consumer that buying a product`s in Luar Garis Coffee. This research have 7.776 people as the population and the sample is 380 people. The research isi using nonprobability sampling for the technique sampling. the The data in this researc will collect by the questionnaire and going to process by SPSS V.26 aplication from IBM Statistic. All the sample in this observation will fill the questionnaire. from the data that have been collect, the result from analysis by the SPSS V.26 is the interest buying and interest advertising can influence purchase decision on Luar Garis Coffee. We can see the F- Value, it is 295,36.
Keyword: Adverstising Interest; Interest Buying; Purchase Decision
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