Proses Interaksi Sosial Masyarakat Pedesaan Dalam Kajian Perspektif Sosiologi Hukum


  • Lily Yusni Aprilianti Lily Universitas Putera Batam
  • Ukas

Kata Kunci:

Social interaction, Community, Rural, Sociology, Legal Culture


Social interaction is the key to all social life because without social interaction, there can be
no shared life. Social interaction is very important in people's lives because social
interaction will occur when individuals with individuals and groups with human groups who
talk to each other, cooperate, and so on to achieve a common goal, hold competitions,
disputes even social control, and so on. Therefore, it can be said that social interaction is
the basis of the social process, which refers to dynamic relationships. The requirements of
social interaction are, the absence of social contact and the absence of communication.
Meanwhile, society in a broad sense is a group of people who are closely intertwined
because of certain systems, certain traditions, conventions and laws alike, and lead to
collective life. According to Soerjono Soekanto, the characteristics of society are living in
groups, giving birth to culture, changing, interaction, the absence of leaders, and having
social stratification. The community was also divided into several factions that were the first
to be family, then developed into a community of people, then increased into a political
society, and led to the establishment of formal institutions of the State. In addition, the rural
community is a society that generally still holds cultural values and also still holds the
hereditary customs of the ancestors. A common characteristic of rural communities is that
villagers always have special characteristics in community life including in the running of
social interaction. As for the characteristics, namely, working together in doing something,
facilities that are still very limited and simple, have a kinship that is still very close, and so
on. However, in certain situations and conditions, some characteristics of rural
communities undergo several changes including how to interact due to the development of
technology and information that developed in the era of globalization and the era of
modernization. Sociology wich means the science that studies society or the dynamics of
society or the legal social institutions governing society.


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