
  • Mia Kasmila Universitas Putera Batam
  • Pak Bidin Universitas Putera Batam




communication,nonverbal, frontliners, customers


This research discusses the use of nonverbal communication by Bank Central Asia (BCA) frontliners in Batam.
The research results show that frontliners tend to use various forms of nonverbal communication, such as eye
contact, smiling, open body language, polite hand gestures, and an upright and confident body posture. A
friendly, calm and professional tone of voice is also considered important. The physical distance between
frontliners and customers is adjusted to cultural norms and personal preferences. BCA frontliners receive
special training in nonverbal communication to improve their skills in interacting with customers. They realize
that their nonverbal communication can influence a company's image and appreciate the importance of making
a positive impression. Positive communication can create a pleasant experience, increase trust, and give the
impression that customers are valued. Frontliners who are skilled at nonverbal communication can influence
customers' purchasing decisions and build strong emotional connections. Therefore, investment in developing
the nonverbal communication skills of frontliners at Bank Central Asia in Batam is considered to provide
benefits for the company's long-term success


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