
  • Maurine Givanka Ningsih Universitas Putera Batam
  • Mauli Siagian Universitas Putera Batam



Citra Merek, Keberagaman Produk, Keputusan Pembelian, Kualitas Produk


This research aims to investigate the influence of product diversity, product quality and brand image on
purchasing decisions for Wardah cosmetics in Batam Center. The population that is the focus of this
research is Wardah consumers at Guardian One mall Batam and the number is based on sales data in
August 2023 of 317 customers. A sample of 177 respondents was selected using the Slovin formula method.
Data analysis was carried out using a multiple linear regression approach. The analysis process includes
testing data quality tests, classical assumption tests, influence tests and hypothesis tests. The results of
multiple linear regression analysis show that product diversity has an influence of 23.1% on purchasing
decisions. Product quality has an influence of 25.8% on purchasing decisions. Brand image has an influence
of 36.0% on purchasing decisions. Findings from testing the coefficient of determination (R2
) show that
product diversity, product quality and overall brand image can explain around 63.8% of the variation in
purchasing decisions. In addition, the results of the t test and F test indicate that product diversity, product
quality and brand image, both partially and simultaneously, have a positive and significant influence on the
decision to purchase Wardah cosmetics at Batam Center.


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