

  • Yoannes Yuka Krisdianata Universitas Sanata Dharma
  • Paulus Kuswandono English



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Metacognitive awareness was beneficial when implemented in learning activities, especially in writing skills. This research was conducted to explore students’ metacognitive awareness in writing. The participants were 30 high school students. Metacognitive knowledge and regulation from Brown (1987) and Knospe (2018) were employed to get a report on students’ awareness in writing. Metacognitive knowledge is formed from declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and conditional knowledge, all of which consisted of planning, monitoring, and evaluating. A cross-sectional survey method was conducted to investigate the data collected. Questionnaires were used to collect the data, then analyzed partially using descriptive analysis, and reported in tables. The data displays that the declarative knowledge and task were respectively 35.1 % and 17.3%; procedural knowledge was 27.7 %; and, conditional knowledge was at 14.2%. Likewise, the results from Metacognitive regulation reported by senior high school students were planning 14.4%, monitoring 24%, and evaluating 11.1%, all of which are categorized at a low level of understanding. The result showed that high school students demonstrated a low level of metacognitive knowledge and regulation in writing descriptive text.

Biografi Penulis

Paulus Kuswandono, English

Paulus Kuswandono

The English Education Master Program, Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia


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