

  • Putu Artiasih -
  • I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar



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This study focuses on the analysis of code-switching of Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar’s Synergy of Bird Conservation with Customary Village Community to Promote Demulih Bangli as a Green and Harmonious Virtual Educational Tourism or in Indonesian is Sinergi Konservasi Burung Bersama Desa Adat dalam Mempromosikan Bukit Demulih Bangli sebagai Kawasan Wisata Edukasi Virtual yang Hijau dan Berkicau (henceforth SITADEWIKU) researchers.  This study aimed at identifying the types and the function of code-switching on the Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar’s researchers WhatsApp group. It was found that 15 text messages show code-switching. The descriptive qualitative method was applied in this research. The types of code switching were analyzed using Romaine's ( 1995))theory, and the function of code-switching was analyzed using the theory of there were three types of code-switching found by the researchers: tag-switching, inter-sentential, and the last one is intra-sentential. The results showed that from 15 data texts the majority of the data used by the members of the research was intra-sentential switching. In terms of function, based on the theory used there were six functions of code-switching from the data above, namely referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, metalinguistic function, and poetic function. The expressive function is the most commonly used function of code-switching found. 


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