
  • Esther Kristin Sihura Universitas Putera Batam
  • Rahmat Fauzi Universitas Putera Batam



expert system, skincare, certainty factor


Expert system for identifying skin types in skincare product selection using the certainty factor (CF) method aims to evaluate the user's skin characteristics and provide appropriate skincare recommendations, considering the different needs of each skin type. The CF method was chosen due to its ability to handle uncertainty in decision-making and provide accurate estimations. This system consists of several stages, starting with the collection of knowledge about skin types through questionnaires and interviews with dermatology experts. The collected data is then translated into rules processed using CF to provide diagnoses with the corresponding level of confidence. System testing shows that the skin type diagnosis provided has high accuracy, making this system a useful tool for helping individuals select the right skincare products. The results of this study indicate that this expert system is effective in assisting users in choosing products suitable for their skin types, reducing the risk of skin problems, and contributing to the improvement of skin health.


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How to Cite

Sihura, E. K., & Rahmat Fauzi. (2025). SISTEM PAKAR IDENTIFIKASI JENIS KULIT DALAM PEMILIHAN SKINCARE MENGGUNAKAN METODE CERTAINTY FACTOR. Computer and Science Industrial Engineering (COMASIE), 12(2), 43–50.