Kata Kunci:
Android, Augmented Reality, Marker Based TrackingAbstrak
The development of technology has a major impact on marketing and sales, with the many sophistication of tools and systems in producing food, it is likely that it is considered safe and sterile, including packaged food. The word price and expiration period is very sensitive to a consumer when he wants to buy an item at a shopping place, consumers want to know for sure the price and expiration date of an item, therefore an augmented reality application media is needed that works to get information about a product with fast and easy. In this study, researchers used the Marker Based Tracking method, which in augmented reality systems require markers, namely using the camera feature on the service to analyze the captured markers and display 3D objects, and the existence of tools to define requirements, design, and The architectural description used by researchers consists of Use Case Diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, this application also uses the C # programming language (pronounced "See Sharp") and for application design using Unity software which is accompanied by a dataset as augmented reality planning. In this augmented reality application contains information about the product, price and expiration date of packaged products.