
  • MOHD. Bintan Kurnia Putra Universitas Putera Batam
  • Nopriadi Nopriadi Universitas Putera Batam

Kata Kunci:

ESP-32, Fuzzy Logic, DS18B20 , Capacitive Soil.


This research is entitled IoT Based Smart Agriculture using Fuzzy Logic which discusses about automatic watering tools for plants. This tool is used for watering automatically with the help of temperature sensors and humidity sensors attached to plants. DC pump as a tool for spraying water when the temperature and humidity sensors detect when the plant is time to do watering. Then automatically the DC pump will work. The temperature sensor (DS18B20) takes an initial ambient temperature reading of 28. This value is read through the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE. The Capacitive Soil Sensor reads the soil moisture in the pot at 82% RH. The light sensor (BH1750) performs a light index reading around the sensor in the range of 29-30 Lux. This value is read through the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE. The value of the light index is very influential on the amount of light captured by the sensor, so the placement of the light sensor must be facing up or in the direction of the light and not positioned upside down. Because it can affect the reading of the light index input value so that the output value of the amount of water can be different. Esp -32 is a microcontroller used in this Agricutlture tool. Based on the tests and analyzes carried out, it was concluded that IoT Based Smart Agriculture using Fuzzy Logic can work well. And all sensors and also applications that are used as automatic operation can work properly.




Cara Mengutip

MOHD. Bintan Kurnia Putra, & Nopriadi, N. (2022). IOT BASED SMART AGRICULTURE USING FUZZY LOGIC. Computer Science and Industrial Engineering, 6(2), 52–61. Diambil dari


