Kata Kunci:
Android, Android Studio, Flutter, Seat Reservation, XamppAbstrak
As a result of the COVID-19 virus pandemic that occurred in the world including Indonesia, all outdoor activities were reduced and also required to comply with health protocols, such as maintaining distance, wearing masks and always washing hands. This huge impact resulted in activities such as schools, tourist attractions, places of worship while carrying out activities boldly. After the number of positive patients decreased, the GBI TABGHA Church, Batu Aji branch, carried out worship activities attractively, but the congregation that wanted to worship was limited. At this time, Android is a very complex technology because it uses open source as a project basis, making it the most widely used smartphone operating system at the moment. The support for the Flutter or Framework software is an application that can be run on the Android, iOS operating systems, and can be used to run WEB, there is also Android Studio which is software developed by Google. Android Studio is an Android programming IDE that replaces the previous one, Eclipse, and Xampp is a software or computer application that is widely used by college students and students because Xampp is web-based software that is used to view web design results before they are made online using web hosting that is sold. on the market. In this study the testing method used is Black Box Testing or known as functional testing because software testing is used without having to know the code structure or internal program. The resulting application is a prayer seat reservation application using Android-based Flutter. The use of this technology makes it easier for the congregation to make reservations for worship seats online using a smartphone.
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