Kata Kunci:
Modeling; Dynamic System; Vensim; Home IndustryAbstrak
Dapur si Nyonyong is one of the home industries located in Padang City, engaged in the production of ready-to-eat snacks, particularly potato chips. The production system applied is a make-to-order production system. The fluctuating and uncertain customer demand in each ordering period requires Dapur si Nyonyong to be able to fulfill customer requests to produce potato chips according to the quantity demanded by customers. In this study, a dynamic system modeling of potato chips production is conducted to identify the interacting variables in the dynamic potato chips production process at Dapur si Nyonyong and analyze the potato chips production system's impact on the raw material requirements. The modeling is carried out using Vensim software. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The dynamic system model of potato chips production at Dapur si Nyonyong consists of interconnected variables. The factors that build the model include the customer demand subsystem, raw material subsystem, production subsystem, and cost and revenue subsystem. 2. Based on the simulation results for the next 2 years, potato chips production will increase by 33%. However, with a monthly raw material inventory of only 20 kg, production delays are expected due to the demand for production that exceeds the available inventory. The cost for raw material requirements also increases by 33%.
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