DOI: Kunci:
Customer Satisfaction, HOQ, QFD, Service Quality.Abstrak
One of the accommodations that is needed to support tourism is the availability of hotels
or inns. This is what makes entrepreneurs, especially in the field of hospitality, compete to
develop their business to attract visitors. ABC Resort is one of the companies engaged in
the accommodation sector which is most attractive to domestic and foreign tourists
because of its location on the seafront directly adjacent to the Singapore Strait. The
purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the standard criteria of hotel services in
Batam city based on the hotel classification. The data obtained from the Voice of Customer
(VoC) questionnaire will then be used as a guide in building the House of Quality (HoQ).
Based on the calculation of the House of Quality (HoQ), it is known that there are 5 criteria
for service characteristics that have the highest priority value, namely the Hotel has a
Restaurant and Bar with a Relative Importance Rate (TKR) value of 11%, Gym facilities,
spa massage and sports healing with a TKR value of 10.2%, Availability of clean toilet and
bathroom facilities with a TKR value of 8.84%, Luxury hotel buildings with a TKR value of
6.55% and Interior and exterior design with a TKR value of 5.66%.