https://doi.org/10.33884/comasiejournal.v11i4.9139Kata Kunci:
Sales, Website, Mind Mapping, PrototypeAbstrak
CV. Hans Printing is a printing business that specializes in producing text and images on print media, currently operating with manual business processes. This approach results in delayed information reception by relevant parties and significantly slows down the sales process due to the reliance on a manual system. In the face of Industry 5.0 competition, a well-planned strategy is essential to overcome emerging challenges and seize arising opportunities. Consequently, small businesses like printing companies also need to adopt the latest technology, such as sales systems that enhance order management, inventory control, and customer or distributor information. The research employs a qualitative method. Through this qualitative approach, the study aims to provide deep insights into how digitalization can effectively increase the visibility of printing businesses through websites. To structure and organize the design process efficiently, the mind mapping method will be used. This method will help in systematically collecting and relating information, making the web application design more interactive and cohesive. Additionally, the prototype method will be incorporated to create a preliminary model of the web application. This approach allows for iterative testing and refinement based on user feedback, ensuring that the final product meets the needs and expectations of the business and its customers. The website design process will utilize PHP to achieve the goal of enhancing the visibility of the printing business.
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