
  • Yopi Tambunan Universitas Putera Batam
  • Sri Zetli Universitas Putera Batam


Kata Kunci:

Design, Assembly, Design For Manufacturing and Assembly


According to the results of data processing and analysis, the authors reached the following conclusions from the research on the Design of Assembly Module Process Aids at PT XYZ. From the processing and analysis of the DFMA machine design, it was found that the constituent components of the machine amounted to 9 components with a total weight of

12.96 kg, a total machining process time of 492 minutes or 8.2 hours and a total cost of Rp.11,039,656. Based on data processing from testing before the machine and after the machine in the module assembly process, the comparison parameters are obtained where before the assembly process aids in the module assy product takes 8,9 seconds with the assembly process in one working hour which produces an output of 1.668 units, while after using the assembly machine on the module assy with a time of 4,7 seconds can produce an output of 3.829 units and an increase of 47%.


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Cara Mengutip

Tambunan, Y., & Sri Zetli. (2025). PERANCANGAN ALAT BANTU PROSES ASSEMBLY MODULE PADA PT XYZ. Computer Science and Industrial Engineering, 11(4), 48–56.