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Retail business has been on the rise in recent years with the consumer diversity of needs has been growing higher as well. One Retail business owner in Batu Aji named Abang Putra shop run the business without the support of an information system particularly in stock management in their warehouse. In this research the author tried to design software to support the stock management in this retail business to tackle the issue of their warehouse management. Currently using a convention or traditional old system which is using formal incoming and outgoing paper for their warehouse documentation and using Microsoft excel data entry for their database. The researchers propose to implement design thinking method to design the system. Using 5 phase of the methods the research conducted orderly following proper technique to ensure the research results is well accepted. The tools to design the system is using unified modelling language and a saas software design Figma. The result of the system is the user persona of the system user, journey map, activity diagram, sequence diagram and detailed system design of the stock management system.
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