https://doi.org/10.33884/comasiejournal.v12i1.9634Kata Kunci:
accuracy, alarm, gas leak, Interner of Things, notificationAbstrak
The rapid development of information technology, particularly in the Internet of Things (IoT), creates significant opportunities for smart solutions like IoT-based gas leak detection systems. Given the widespread use of LPG cylinders in households, small businesses, and large industries, this research aims to design a gas leak detection tool utilizing detection sensors on LPG cylinders. This tool is intended to reduce the risk of danger or fire incidents, especially in industries and restaurants. The study focuses on designing and implementing an IoT-based gas leak detection system using key components like the MQ-2 sensor, which detects hazardous gas, and a buzzer that serves as an initial alarm. Notifications are also sent via the Telegram application for immediate alerts. Testing results demonstrate that the system effectively detects gas leaks and provides timely warnings through both sound alarms and Telegram notifications. The gas detection accuracy is notably high, making it a reliable solution for minimizing fire or explosion risks caused by gas leaks. All components—MQ-2 sensor, buzzer, NodeMCU connectivity module, and Telegram application—work cohesively, fulfilling the system’s design goals and ensuring smooth operation. This research underscores the importance of IoT technology in enhancing safety and mitigating hazards in daily environments.
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