https://doi.org/10.33884/comasiejournal.v12i2.9770Kata Kunci:
Concrete Block Machine, Kansei Engineering, Production Efficiency, RedesignAbstrak
PT Bodem Mas Jaya is a company engaged in concrete block production. However, the company faces challenges in meeting production targets due to the limitations of its block-making machine, which can only produce two blocks per process. This study aims to redesign the block-making machine to improve efficiency and production capacity. Kansei Engineering was applied to identify user needs, resulting in 16 Kansei words such as ergonomic, productive, precise, and modern. The redesign features a four-mold system, enabling the machine to produce four blocks simultaneously, doubling production capacity. Additional features such as rubber barriers, tray holders, and mold lifters enhance stability, minimize material waste, and maintain block quality. The new design also emphasizes ease of maintenance, safety, and operational efficiency. With this redesign, the company is expected to meet the increasing market demand effectively.
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