Penerbitan; Sertifikat Halal; Logo Halal; Prespektif Hukum.Abstract
Consumers who are Muslim basically have concerns to buy food that does not have an official halal logo from the institution that has the right to issue. Indonesian consumers who are predominantly Muslim will be more focused on the halal logo listed on a packaging product. However, the logo must first be submitted to BPJPH by the entrepreneur. After the entrepreneur gets the halal certificate, then the halal logo can be placed on the product label. Researchers in this writing use this type of normative legal research. In the type of research the writer uses normative law as it support. After the establishment of the BPJPH based on the provisions of the presidential regulation in accordance with Article 5 of the UUJPH, the authority of the BPJPH is clearly stated in Article 6. The procedures specified in the explanation of UUJPH, the researcher can also elaborate on the procedure of obtaining Halal certificate which starts with: the request is submitted by the applicant to get a halal certificate to BPJPH. After that the document inspection is carried out by BPJPH, then testing and the inspection is carried out by LPH which has accreditation from BPJPH in collaboration with MUI. Furthermore, the fatwa trial was conducted by MUI to legalize the halal status of a product in the form of a Decision on Halal Product Determination signed by MUI.
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Svinarky, Irene, ‘Sertifikat Halal Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Lppom Kepulauan Riau’, Jurnal Cahaya Keadilan, 7.1 (2019), 248–63 <>

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